Calender (10/4/2013)

* The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but rather the Nobel lecture that I was inexplicably not allowed to give this year . . .

Friday, Oct. 4

Speaking Fear Reduction: Culpeper Language Center 2:30 p.m.

The real problem with this exercise is that everyone is too afraid to say anything helpful.

Arb Night Hike: Linnaeus Arboretum 8 p.m.

Exploring trails, nighttime activities, finding stoners . . .

Saturday, Oct. 5

Gustie Cup Flag Football: Hollingsworth Field 7 p.m.

I think I heard that Bruno Mars is playing the halftime show for this.

LineUs Improv Comedy – 10th Birthday Show: Alumni Hall 7 p.m.

Feel free to bring presents! For the record, LineUs wants a pony.

SNL: It’s Fall Y’All: Lund Arena 10 p.m.

Y’all? And apparently also down south.

Sunday, Oct. 6

Le Grande Bande & Chorus Presents Handel’s “Water Music”: Bjorling Recital Hall 7 p.m.

Featuring the H2Oboe.

Monday, Oct. 7

“The Politics of Piracy in Somalia” by Abdi Samatar: Wallenberg Auditorium 7 p.m.

Is torrenting a problem there, too?

Tuesday, Oct. 8

Russian Tea: Phi Beta Kappa Room 4 p.m.

It’s a good thing the Soviet Union fell. Soviet Tea spent so much money competing with American Tea.

Graduate School Panel: Confer 230 4:30 p.m.

It’s an hour of Sean Cobb repeatedly telling English majors that their major means something.

“The Canon Debate: Who Put the Bible Together and How?”: Olin 103 7 p.m.

Not to be confused with “The Cannon Debate: Who Blew the Bible Apart and How?”

Wednesday, Oct. 9

BBQ&A: Linnaeus Arboretum 6 p.m.


Thursday, Oct. 10

Teachers Talking: St. Peter Room 11:30 a.m.

This time we get to grade them on their participation.

Taking Control of Your Language Learning: Culpeper Language Center 1 p.m.

You could – by actually going to Spanish class for once.

Kit Yan Performance: Alumni Hall 7 p.m.

More snaps at this slam poetry event than a male stripper’s tear-away pants.

Feit-sty Not Really Horoscopes

Aries: I’m pretty sure nobody told the pope that he shouldn’t be wearing white after Labor Day.

Taurus: I’m blaming my lack of production in class on the government shutdown.

Gemini: How Amazon is able to ship stuff in two days all the way from Brazil is amazing.

Cancer: CBS still hasn’t picked up my pitch for CFI: Collegiate Fellow Investigation, a “Complex” detective series.

Leo: As co- vice president of the Anarchist Club here, the shutdown must be like Christmas for you.

Virgo: Wait, so there is a person in the Gus mascot costume?

Libra: Your habit of spoiling Breaking Bad’s finale makes you a monster, a sadistic monster.

Scorpio: Keep fighting to keep the Pearl Jambulance idea alive. The healthcare community is missing the miracle touch of Eddie Vedder’s voice.

Sagittarius: At what point does corporate America push Steven Spielberg to change the line to, “E.T. iPhone home”?

Capricorn: I don’t even think Congress can say their mothers like them any more.

Aquarius: Miley did it. She made Amanda Bynes seem sane.

Pisces: Stop judging Britney Spears’ British accent. She’s cultured.