As swimsuit season draws to a close, the weather starts to get cooler, and classes start ramping up, finding the motivation to work out can be difficult. But with a newly-updated Lund Center, beautiful fall weather, and these tips and tricks to get you going, finding the motivation to lace up those running shoes and hit the gym should be a breeze.
Set Realistic Goals
Think about what you want to gain from working out, and set a goal for how you want to get there. Make sure your goal is attainable, otherwise you will just end up frustrated. Then set smaller goals along the way to accomplishing your original goal. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon in the spring, set smaller goals to run a 5k, a 10k, and a half marathon along the way. Then plan incentives for reaching your goals, in order to motivate yourself to achieve them.
Find a partner
Having a workout buddy not only makes working out more fun, but it also holds you accountable. If you feel like someone else is counting on you to show up, you’ll be less likely to bail on your workout plans.
Sign up for a class
There are so many great options of fitness classes in Lund—whether you like Zumba, kickboxing, or yoga—there are classes available to meet your needs and abilities. Taking a class can introduce you to new workout styles, help you meet new people, and encourage you to stay in shape.
Start a blog
Starting a fitness blog can be a great way to share your experience with others. Having people read about your progress can help keep you accountable too. If blogging isn’t your thing, you can always read other people’s blogs to get fun workout ideas and gain motivation.

Mix up your routine
While there is something to be said for consistency, if you always do the same workout, you may get stuck in a rut. Mix it up, and you’ll have more fun and work different muscles. If you’re the kind of person who always runs outside, try taking a yoga class or check out the newly-remodeled weight room in Lund.
Make an inspiration wall
Do inspirational quotes or photos of your favorite athletes motivate you? Create a spac— whether it’s a poster, a wall, or a folder on your computer—where you post things that inspire you. When you don’t feel like working out, use your inspiration space to get remind you why you like to work out and get you in the mood to hit the gym.
Focus on the positive
Instead of having a negative attitude towards exercise, try reminding yourself why you enjoy working out. Do you like the rush of endorphins you get after a good workout or the quality time you share with your workout partner? Whatever it is that makes you don your workout attire, take note and remind yourself of those reasons on the days when you don’t feel like hitting the gym.
Make it fun
Find ways to make your workouts fun—whether that’s working out with a friend, mixing up your routine, checking out a class in Lund, or creating a workout playlist that really gets you moving—the more fun you have burning calories, the more likely you are to continue to exercise.
Great guidelines to bring us fit and health. 🙂
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Great article to help people do fitness and workouts which are advisable for healthy life. Is there any special Fitness Model Diet And Workout that you recommend
Getting motivated can be tough, great advice on getting going and getting your fitness on.
Good Information, it’s very clear and fit for a athlete like me. Thanks!
I’ve got this page bookmarked as well – glad I found you.