Although there are many ways for students to receive help for their classes, one treasure to take advantage of is the Writing Center. Located in Confer 232 with outposts in the Diversity Center and Library, the Writing Center provides services to any Gustavus student.
“The Writing Center works with all disciplines and with papers in all stages of the writing process,” Tutor and Junior Sociology and Anthropology Major Anna Ayers-Looby said.

In addition to helping students from every discipline, the Writing Center exists to improve the writing of students as a whole. Writing at Gustavus is not only seen as a skill necessary to excel in classes, but also in most career fields.
“In creative writing workshops, you often hear the mantra, ‘Write what you know,’ but you don’t often know what you know until you write. The act of writing clarifies knowledge and thinking,” Eric Vrooman, the faculty member in charge of the Writing Center, said.
While excelling in writing is great, the Writing Center also exists for students to connect with each other and learn together.
“The best part about being a writing tutor is watching students revise a paper and seeing their writing grow and develop as they have new ideas. I help students become better writers, but most of the time I think I learn more from them,” Tutor and Senior Political Science Honors Major Karin Lund said.
This belief holds true for Ayers-Looby as well.
“Just as all the tutoring programs, the Writing Center exists as a leadership opportunity and a community builder. I think that the peer-help-peer foundation of this system is the best way for everyone to learn,” Ayers-Looby said.
The Writing Center staff enjoy hosting ‘outreach events’ in order to get students interested in writing in a less-intimidating setting. One event held recently, The Writing Center Buffet, had writing games such as “Reese’s Thesis” where students were awarded candy for creating a correct thesis statement. During the entire month of November, the Writing Center has been hosting an event called NaNoWriMo where students write a 50,000-word novel in one month. On Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2011 there will be a celebration where authors can read excerpts from their novels and enjoy refreshments provided by the Writing Center.
As an end-of-the-semester event, Ayers-Looby would like to remind students that “Gusties should keep their eyes open for our pre-finals workshop which will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tutors will be posted in the library, geared to help their fellow students with those last minute questions on their final papers.”
In order to make an appointment with a tutor, keep updated on Writing Center Events or to see the Writing Center’s hours and locations students can visit
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