Heidi Rossow is a passionate junior elementary education major from Faribault, Minn. who hopes to become a kindergarten teacher. One of her best attributes is being very organized, which is essential for a future teacher, but this also helps her to balance her involvement on campus.
Heidi is involved in multiple organizations that range from working with kids to guiding future Gusties to participating in Greek life. She was destined at a young age to become a Gustie because her two older sisters, Christie ’05 and Heather ‘07, went to Gustavus. Heidi had been on campus numerous times in her middle school years visiting her two older sisters.
“I knew that I would be coming to Gustavus, but I thought about giving other schools a chance,” Heidi said. “It was a joke between my sisters and I that I would be shunned if I didn’t come to Gustavus. They were both really excited that I came, and I love the small feeling Gustavus has. I like that I can recognize anyone around campus. Even if you don’t know who they are, you already feel like you have a connection to them.”
Heidi knew at a very young age that she wanted to be a teacher. She was inspired by her first grade teacher who made her excited to learn and love school. Heidi’s passion for education is reflected in her choice of organizations. She volunteers with Movin’ and Groovin’ twice a week, which helps her to unwind. “This program is so great! The kids are energized, which you don’t necessarily get all the time in the classroom,” Rossow said.
She also volunteers twice a week at South Elementary with the Study Buddies program in K-2 classrooms. “It is my calling, and I really enjoy giving back to them and helping them in any way that I can,” Heidi said.
Junior Elementary Education Major Maria Lofstuen has seen Heidi’s passion first hand. “I have been in education classes with Heidi. She is one of the hardest workers I have ever met, and she is really passionate about teaching,” Lofstuen said.
Heidi’s hard work and leadership skills are seen in her involvement in her co-presidency of the Student Educators Association.
These passions also led her to be a part of Alpha Phi Omega, a community service fraternity. Heidi enjoys working with smaller groups in this organization and all of the different activities in the community like raking leaves and helping with the St. Peter High School prom after-party.
She is also the publicity co-chair and fundraising chair for her sorority, Delta Phi Omega. “I really love being with all the girls. We are so diverse and I can talk to any of them. It is fun to see them around campus,” Heidi said.
Sophomore Elementary Education Major Hannah Forster and Heidi’s Delta daughter said, “Heidi is an upstanding Gustavus student and a role model to everyone who knows her. She has been an amazing mentor to me and sets incredible standards for those who come after her. She takes on any challenge that she faces with incredible poise, and she is such a great friend on top of that!”
Heidi is also committed to being a part of the Gustie Guides, the Commission Gustavus 150 Sesquicentennial Committee, and is the Co-President of the Gustavus Ambassadors.
Junior Communication Studies Major Serena Elthon said, “I have known her forever. … We are from the same town. I went to church, middle school and high school with her. For as long as I can remember, she has always been really involved, whether in sports or volunteering. It doesn’t surprise me that she continued that in college. She doesn’t flaunt how involved she is, and she doesn’t expect anything in return.”
Heidi’s passion for teaching and involvement at Gustavus is seen in the commitment she has to all of the activities that she is involved in on campus.
Heidi is down to earth, easy to talk to and loves adventure. Next fall she will be student teaching for seven weeks in New York, and then she is heading to New Zealand and Australia over January Interim Experience. Heidi enjoys traveling, something she thinks she has inherited from her two sisters. She was able to travel with her high school Spanish class to Spain for two weeks. Over this past January Interim Experience, Heidi traveled to India and had an amazing time learning about the people and culture. “The trip went by way too quickly. By the time the month was done I was finally feeling like I was getting to know my way around. I loved the food and the people. I love meeting people in other countries and hearing their stories,” Heidi said.
Wherever Heidi goes, people are going to meet a compassionate, caring individual who is willing to help and have fun. “When it’s time to work she works, and when she has time for fun she plays hard and is always on top of things,” Elthon said.
Heidi is an awesone niece, and will be a terrific teacher! She is passionate about everything she does. This is such a great write up on Heidi:)