Sacred Space: A time to relax

Sacred Space is an event sponsered by the chaplain’s office  periodically to help Gustavus community members relax from their hectic lives. Sacred Space offers a nuetral space on campus for community members to enjoy the quiet relflection time. Held in Alumni Hall, Sacred Space is open to various spiritualities about once a month and offers a variety of ways for people to relax, mediate and take time to reflect.

“It is an opportunity for people to be quiet, be still, mediate or pray,” Chaplain Rachel Larson said.

Some of the meditation materials Sacred Space provides for spirituality and reflection are a labyrinth (a form of walking mediation), tables set up with pencils, paper and drawing materials to journal or to create artwork, and yoga mats. During Sacred Space, Chaplain Rachel has a prayer station as an opportunity to converse or pray with her. These tools are designed to help Sacred Space goers find think, relax or meditate deeper.

Sacred Space also gives people the chance to have short sessions with a Reiki Practitioner. According to Chaplain Rachel, “Reiki was adopted from the East and it looks at the body in terms of its energy centers. Reiki is hands-on and the practitioner places their hands on the parts of your body like the hands, head and various centers to help restore your energy center.”

Sacred Space will be held Sunday March 13 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall.  “It is really rare to find a quiet place and it’s  great to have time to think about life. You can come and go as you please at Sacred Space and you get what you want out of it,” Junior Mathematics Major Meghan Peterson said.

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