Terry Morrow


November 2 will be a big day for Gustavus. As many of you are already aware, this is the day that your very own professor, Terry Morrow, will be re-elected as your representative at the Minnesota State Legislature.  But only with your help.

I’m a graduate of the Gustavus class of 2009 and a current public policy student at the U of M. In my time at Gustavus, I interned for Representative Terry  Morrow and have continued to follow his work at the Capitol in the years since then. And I can promise you this: Gustavus, you should be proud.

After just one year at the Capitol, the DFL party recognized his outstanding contribution to the legislature with a leadership position as an Assistant Majority Leader. Rep. Morrow’s expertise and ability to work with people has been a hallmark of his tenure at the Capitol.

Rep. Morrow is an unwavering supporter of higher education. He has tirelessly worked with the Minnesota Private College Council to defend the Minnesota State Grant Program, a need-based program that one out of four of your Gustie classmates receive each year. He has voted for a tuition tax deduction. He has voted against a download tax. Simply, he votes for students every time.

It is a vast understatement to say that this is an important election year. Rather, it is a defining one. Get out and vote for Terry Morrow to make sure that the needs of college students continue to be defended at the State Capitol in this upcoming legislative session.

Amanda Capelle