Logan Arndt: The musician… the man

Senior Music Major Logan Arndt is known on campus for his involvement in the orchestra, band and woodwind quintet. Often he can be found at the Greens House, where he resides, or at the Swedish House, where he soaks up the Scandinavian culture. When he is hungry, he can be found at the Market Place enjoying his favorite dessert, Yum Yum Bars, or back at the Swedish House eating Pizza Pizzazz creations (courtesy of Steve Olson).

His music career began at the wee age of nine. His first instrument was the french horn, and he has since moved on to expand his musical endeavors. “Logan is the best whistler on campus,” Junior Political Science and Scandinavian Studies Major Jen Fox said.

More recently, he has been playing the cello but wishes he had more time for the recorder. There is still more to note about his music experience. “I have taken voice lessons at Gustavus. I am phenomenal,” Logan said.

His voice isn’t the only thing about Logan that has changed over the last four years. “He is starting to grow some facial hair,” Senior Philosophy Major Alex Legeros said. Logan’s tastes have changed also: “I’ve started to like olives more,” Logan said.

Logan likes Gustavus for the people. “The faculty is friendly and helpful. The professors are willing to take time out of their day to help you succeed,” Logan said. He also likes what Gustavus stands for. His favorite pillar is Excellence. In his opinion, January Interim Experience is the best part of the school year. “The Gustavus Wind Orchestra’s Eastern Europe tour in 2010 is the best memory I will take away from Gustavus. It was an ILCHE,” Logan said.

Logan decided this past summer to see Gustavus at a new time of the year. He spent the summer working on the Gustavus grounds crew. He has also worked in his hometown of Lamberton, Minn. at a bug farm, Dairy Queen, Griffith’s Grocery Company and a hog farm. His plans for the future are unrelated to all of his previous work experience. His ambition is to have a career in music. “After grad school, of course,” Logan said.

As a senior, Logan is both excited and sad to be leaving Gustavus in a few short months. He will miss his friends the most. Logan has many close friends on campus. Senior History Honors and Scandinavian Studies Major Val McCluskey is one such friend. “One time Logan tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead. What a good friend! His stubble reminded me of my mom,” Val said.

“Logan Arndt is a beautiful animal. He’s one of the most interesting people I’ve ever come across. His biting wit, boyish good looks, general crotchety-ness and burning passion for all things French Horn are just a few of his many charms,” Senior English Major Jordan Walker said.

Of all the things Logan has learned during his time at Gustavus, one thing sticks out the most: “Have fun. Everything goes so quickly; enjoy it while it lasts,” Logan said.

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