Alcohol Forum

On Thursday, April 22 at 5:30 p.m. the Dean of Students Office will be hosting a forum to discuss high risk drinking. The forum will begin with an introduction of information and statistics and will be developed by group discussions about drinking and the alcohol policy on campus. A light meal will also be served.

Dean of Students Jeffrey Stocco and Director of Alcohol and Drug Education Judy Douglas will be the primary facilitators of the event. Associate Dean of Students Deirdre Rosenfeld answered some questions for Stocco who was out of the office and said that the forum was “less of a prescriptive presentation and more a community dialogue.”

Group discussions will allow students and administrators the opportunity to discuss the curent culture of high risk drinking. One of the purposes of the forum is to explore reasons behind the pastime, as well as examine the efficacy of current Gustavus policies.

All students, even those who choose to participate in high risk drinking situations, are encouraged to come and take part in the conversation. “We all hold different pieces of the puzzle,” Rosenfeld said. “We are looking for constructive solutions.”

3 thoughts on “Alcohol Forum

  1. My son tried to commit suicide on Tuesday 28th of April, by blowing up his flat with a gas bottle. He suffered severe burns and was taken to hospital under police surveillance, without being assessed by a psychiatrist he was then taken to forestgate police station, kept overnight and the following day was taken to Stratford court, he was not allowed to sit in front of the judge as his burns were so severe, the judge remanded him in custody and took straight to pentonville prison, my ex wife was waiting to see our son before he was taken to prison and she was refused to see him, what we cannot understand is if his burns were so severe why on earth was he taken out of hospital in extreme pain and mental condition should have been sectioned with continuing after care.
    Also they are charging him with Arson and intent to harm others, which in our view is impossible as he tried to commit suicide not to burn down his flat only intending to harm himself, after being released from rehab far too soon for Alcoholism . He has been treated like a piece of meat, been shown no compassion to himself or his family with complete disrespect. We are now writing to Boris Johnson to look into this and we feel you should cover this story as it is in your local area. This is passive Alcohol at its best and imposed on other people.
    This will not stop here and we are taking this matter further.
    I will give you all my details but my ex wife’s telephone number as I live in Portugal , I can assure you that someone will be held accountable.
    Since my last Email when they first put him in Pentonville, he had problems with his Pancreas through Alcohol which they never looked into
    then we nearly lost our son again.
    He had a fit while in the Hospital Prison and had to be rushed to hospital where we nearly lost him and while in hospital they found he had blood poisoning from
    the gas.
    While in Hospital he had to be hand cuffed 24 – 7 while he’s left hand was badly burn’t and that was the hand they handcuffed.
    After two week’s of treatment in Hospital they took him back to pentonville.
    Since then he has been to court , charged with Arson which he has pleaded not guilty to.
    Now he is going to crown court under jury on the 19th oct and is now residing in Brixton prison awaiting trial.
    Full name Wayne Maurice Sutton D.O.B ….10. 04. 1968.
    Thank you very much for your interest in our situation
    Maurice sutton
    Waynes story you’ve given my son 4 years imprisonment after the judge arrived at arson attempted arson which the judge stated was such a complicated case so complicated that we need answers to all the abuses that the state has put on my son wayne and our family we need answers right from the start when wayne had tried to commit suicide without intention to hurt anybody only himself in that state of mind why on earth was he put in hospital care only to be sent to pentonville prison rather than being sectioned in a hospital unit where he would have received the necessary help he so desperately needed he was abused and treated worse than an animal from newham hospital to forest gate police station to the court where the judge decided he was so bad in condition of his burns that he could not appear in court only to be sent to pentonville is this what you call justice anyone with a brain could see that prison was not the answer he should have been sectioned case closed now i want answers and justice for my son to be released after all this neglect incompetance abuse imposed on him so if he is guilty so are the political drug barons and the rest of society who impose alcohol on society the hypocracy stops now release my son my son may not be in your constituency but alcohol is

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