Whether he is in the classroom or on the stage, you are most likely to find Sophomore Computer Science Major Max Beyer amusing crowds of Gusties. The Eagle Scout and dedicated First Degree Blackbelt originally from Saint Peter, Minn., has shared numerous talents on our campus.
The most obvious of these talents is his ability to entertain. After seeing several LineUs shows, Max was immediately intrigued by the group and decided to audition this past fall. He has thoroughly enjoyed his experience with LineUs thus far.
“We practice every Monday and Thursday night, and no matter what mood I’m in walking in the door, I always leave with an impenetrable natural high,” Max said.
In addition to his contribution to the LineUs group, Max is also performing in the January Interim Experience musical “Urinetown,” which opened on Friday, Feb. 19 and will include three more performances this Friday to Sunday, Feb. 26, 27 and 28.
“[Max] is multitalented; he keeps busy with everything from the plays to his classes to choir to LineUs,” Sophomore Catherine Keith said.
Apart from his involvement in the theatre department, Max is also involved in several other organizations. This year he served as a Gustie Greeter, which has been one of his favorite experiences at Gustavus.
“Being a Greeter means so much more than downing 14 energy drinks when the first-years move in and shouting the rouser over and over again until the air in your lungs is vanquished. By being a Greeter, you are the first impression that these people have of what Gustavus students are like, and you are also a constant resource and friend for them throughout the year,” Max said.
Max is also a chaplain’s apprentice and enjoys singing and playing the guitar for Proclaim on occasion. He is also an officer of the newly-established Super Smash Bros. Club (Association of Student Smashers). Max works for Gustavus Technology Services and is a Physics Teaching Assistant.
Max also enjoys spending time with friends in the Courtyard Café. “I love conversing with people, even if it occurs when I’m awkwardly maneuvering myself behind their chair in hopes of reaching my table without a spilt meal,” Max said.
His favorite part about Gustavus is the people. “It’s funny; we’re trapped up here in our little bubble, and we get so used to each other that when we finally get around to associating with those off campus, something just feels different,” Max said.
He also encourages his fellow Gusties to not take for granted the time we have been given here at Gustavus. “We’re only given four years of our lives to live like this, so make sure to drink in every moment,” Max said.
In the future, this computer science major plans to find a career that incorporates both his skills in that area and in the area of communications. “I haven’t quite figured out exactly what that career may be, but the goal is to enjoy doing it,” Max said. There is no doubt that he will bring his numerous talents to whatever career he chooses.