Tea parties: the worst

If you glanced at the New York Times on Monday, you might have seen a photo depicting an assemblage of protestors on the front page. If you had read the accompanying article, you would have seen a vivid description of the most horrific and frighteningly militant example of identity politics in recent years: the Tea Party movement.

The article begins by detailing former 70s activist Pam Stout’s story. She shifted from working in federal housing programs and enrolling immigrants in college towards the maniacal right-wing sloganeering of the Tea Parties in the wake of her husband’s being laid-off, and (my interpretation) her loss of touch with reality and extreme pliability in being agitated by cable news anchors. Stout is now a president of the Sandpoint, Idaho “Tea Party Patriots.” She fears, according to the article, “hyperinflation, social unrest,” and, most spectacularly, martial law on the part of the obviously genocidal Obama administration.

The rest summarizes the formation of the Tea Party movement as a loose concurrence of many different factions of the paranoid right, from Glenn Beck fans, to the we-were-racist-but-now-we-swear-to-god-we-aren’t John Birch Society, to militias and guns rights groups. Any Republican who falls to the left of Goldwater is immediately rejected, such as Meg Whitman, a candidate for governor in California who fell victim to the wrath of the Tea Partiers after saying she “loved” Obama’s green czar.

The typical tea party member is a “political neophyte,” ill-informed parochials formerly missed by the ordinary political parties and now skillfully integrated into the politics of rage by pundits such as Glenn Beck. Besides engaging in empty sloganeering with poorly spelled signs, some also have gone “so far as to stock up on ammunition, gold and survival food in anticipation of the worst.” While simultaneously being inspired by economic hardship, they paradoxically espouse the elimination of, according to the article, “Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.” The article notes, that “a remarkable number say this despite having recently lost jobs or health coverage.” Duh.

I don’t doubt the patriotism or fervor of these people. I do think, however, that they are severely misguided, are being shamefully exploited by everyone, and are misplacing their anger and picking the wrong targets. Besides the irony of revering Thomas Paine, who was by all accounts the most radically left-wing American revolutionary (he actually advocated universal wages!), the Tea Party is one of the worst facets of politics today and a sign of how bad things can truly get in this media saturated age. The term “astroturfing” was invented for the Tea Party movement.

“Astroturfing” refers to the feigning of grassroots organization by moneyed groups. The Tea Parties are not grassroots. The march on Washington was heavily promoted by Fox and conceived of by people like Glenn Beck. If you have a millionaire on a major cable network telling you to protest, you are not grassroots. If millions from foundations like the Scaife foundation fund you, you aren’t grassroots either.

In a striking moment of truth in advertising, Darin Stevens, leader of the 9/12 Movement of Spokane, said that he had only “voted twice and… failed political science twice.” The Tea Party movement is remarkably ill informed. Besides the aforementioned Thomas Paine worship, the paranoia clouds even the most basic of logic.

My personal favorite claim of Tea Partiers is the hysteria over Obama’s “czars.” They claim that the presence of czars on Obama’s cabinet is evidence of Obama’s socialistic past. Pretty infallible. After all, czars are Russian, right? Russians= communist. But wait. Didn’t the communists overthrow the czars? And haven’t most presidents since the 70s had czars (including Bush Sr. and Jr.?) Doesn’t matter to the Tea Party movement.

Most enraging to me are segments of the article that acknowledge that capital and government have failed the average American. “Many of us don’t believe they have our best interests at heart,” one Tea Party leader said. “She choked back tears.” According to the article. This is a categorically true statement, especially when examining the falling real wages and increased difficulty of life for most people in the last twenty years. The institutions of society do not care about the average person.

But who are these protestors aiming for? The one public good that could benefit them. This is special evidence of the useless and milquetoast Democratic Party and failure of the left to use effective rhetoric in convincing people of the enemy. I don’t know about you, but I would say the corporation that fired Mrs. Stout’s husband might be to blame for his being laid off. Yet the banal rhetoric of the right is far too effective. Somehow the pundits have managed to frame the issue as government’s fault and now Mrs. Stout is raging against agencies and services that could help her out.

In the 24 hour a day cable age, identity politics have taken on a new importance and the Tea Parties are a logical extension of what has been fermenting since talk radio gained prominence. It fosters an environment only interested in an us-vs. -them narrative. This has horrifying effects on what is left of democracy in our country, with actual legitimate candidates, such as Richard Behney, a Republican Senate, saying he is willing to “clean [his] guns and [get] ready for the big show. And I’m serious about that, and I bet you are, too.” It fosters an environment of enmity and violence. Tea Party protestors in Washington this fall carried signs that said, “we came unarmed- this time.” Let’s think about how our country runs. Do we really want to dismiss the Tea Party as a lunatic fringe? Or do we want to confront what their existence symbolizes? I think we should do the latter before they actually gain a footing.

31 thoughts on “Tea parties: the worst

  1. LA Times reports that “Tea partyers are more highly educated and wealthier than the rest of America. Nearly 75% are college educated, and two-thirds earn more than $50,000.”


    You write that **The typical tea party member is a “political neophyte,” ill-informed parochials formerly missed by the ordinary political parties and now skillfully integrated into the politics of rage….engaging in empty sloganeering with poorly spelled signs…I do think, however, that they are severely misguided, are being shamefully exploited by everyone…**

    Really, Steve?

  2. The broad based TEA Party movement is a reaction to a push by Progressives (Communists) to push our country into a new Soviet style utopia. Much like the Utopia that some of my relatives experienced. Especially as some were removed from their beds in the middle of the night and shot.

    The liberal Fascist push is un-American and Americans will not stand for it. History ALWAYS repeats itself and does not usually take more than a couple hundred years before freedom breaks down and tyranny rises again. Then the people arise, put down the tyrants and live in freedom until the whole thing starts over again.

  3. By the way, I and my extended family of 200 in our last family reunion all to a person changed our party affiliation from Democrat to Independent. In the Mass. style of TEA party Independents.

  4. I think it’s a little absurd to claim that history always repeats itself, number one… I’m a history major and I think the complexities of different eras make it hard to claim something so definitive. I think nuance is helpful here. Perhaps you are projecting the extreme values of the Tea Party movement onto those it opposes? I highly doubt Obama is a Marxist Utopian. He seems to be a fairly non-ideological moderate, to be honest. A basic reading of history would tell you that. This country is moving right and very quickly, at that. Nixon would be considered far left by your standards.

    Second, if you take Scott Webster’s advice to not listen to commentators to get the facts, that should mean that Phil’s link is discredited tacitly, as his link is a link to an opinion piece.

    Besides that, though, I never made any assumptions about the class background of the Tea Partiers. I said they were ill-informed, which I certainly stand behind. I also don’t think being college educated assumes anything about actual intelligence.

  5. Being a history professor I am quite aware that history does indeed repeat itself. The regularity and propensity of this happening is as maddening as it is frightening.

    You are wrong Steven about TEA Party people being ill informed. That is the rhetoric coming from the obama regime.

    obama is classified as a liberal-fascist, much like Stalin and Hitler. Yes Hitler was a liberal. His political party was the National Socialist Party if you have read anything about European history.

    The first step in any fascist movement is to gain successive control over sectors of a country. This is seen playing out in the takeover of the banking system, the problems of which by the way were created by the democrats under Clinton with the “Community Reinvestment Act”. This bizarre act forced mortgage lenders to lend money to people who had no chance of paying it back. If the lenders did not comply they would be labeled as racist. Then there was the takeover of the auto industry, and if the fraud of health care is accomplished then this liberal fascist regime will have accomplished a great deal of control indeed. Banking, your health care, your education (yes, the so called health care bill which is still not put to a single bill as required by Article 1 Section 7 of the Constitution, does indeed involve more control of education)…

    You see our founding fathers constructed a great document called The Constitution of the United States, knowing that no government could be trusted, and that whenever any government gains too much control over its people the result is never a good one and usually involves loss of freedoms.

    You may not have heard that it was broke on fox news that an undercover recording of chuck schummer IN HIS OWN WORDS in a secret meeting with other progressives Reid and Pelosi, wanting to nullify the Constitution and wants to “take a look at the Bill of Rights”. take a look?

    No, millions of Americans are actively resisting this BO promise of “fundamental transformation of America”. Any substitute will rob us of our freedoms and make financial slaves of our children and grandchildren due to the run-away spending.

    If you have not read the FEDERALIST PAPERS please do, you may find them fascinating as it involves the opinions and thoughts of the founders themselves. They really should be required reading for history students. There is so much information and beauty of history in those documents.

    1. What colleges, both where you earned your degrees and where you teach? Nothing malicious is intended, as God is my witness [even though I refuse to say the “under God” part in the pledge of allegiance, despite being catholic : ) ]; just curious.

  6. National Socialism isn’t the same thing as Socialism. Look it up. Also, Liberalism isn’t the same thing as Socialism. I’m not getting my information about the Tea Party movement being misinformed from Obama… I’m getting it from comments like yours. I’m no fan of Obama.

  7. Please read the Federalist Papers.

    By doing so you will acquire a basic understanding of the founders intention for our country and why their approach contains an amazing amount of genius and understanding of human nature. Periods of peace and prosperity are short and scattered between war, oppression and tyranny. In each human cycle which is ever repeating, people are oppressed, they rise up and defeat the oppressors, peace and prosperity reigns, and then they become complacent, apathetic and lazy. The corrupt soul of man seizes the opportunity to once again oppress and the cycle starts all over.

    The TEA Party is the beginning of the rise of freedom and has as its members, Medical Doctors, PhD’s, Attorney’s as well as blue collar workers and those who actually care about freedom.

    Whether our beloved Constitution will be supplanted by FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, (a Progressive Fascist control document), before good American’s can take our country back I don’t know. What is sure, the cycle of human oppression will continue as history always repeats itself. Until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

    1. The strongest argument you could make that history moves cyclically would be to cite you’re own involvement in the tea party. Nice job presupposing your own defense. Also what would you call yourself if you aren’t a progressive? A regressive? A digressive?

  8. It goes to show you… no matter how much we know, we really do not know anything.

    Both sides, neither side, one side or the other side, arguing rarely ever solves a problem.

    The farther we get apart we more apt we are to repeat some version of history, whether it be from our own country or some other.

    Are we really so far apart financially, politically, etc. that there is simply no way to find the common ground all of us can stand on together? The rhetoric starts off civil enough, but soon one side always “knows better” than the other and then the words become nasty. I believe we’ve stopped listening to the other side of the conversation many times.

    Christians, aetheists, agnostics, there are times for civil unrest and there are times to put down the rocks and bricks and try to find solutions that we all can live with or without. Unless we ALL try we are indeed doomed to repeat history. It’s okay to laugh, think of this as simplistic dogma, or agree. If you are reading this, you have an opinion. Maybe if once in awhile we actually kept our opinions to ourselves and agreed with someone else we might actually find some concensus that we all could smile, nod and offer a handshake to complete the deal.

  9. Well said Curtis. The issue at hand is that quite interestingly, worldwide there seems to be a polarization. The Biblical Narrative refers to this as “allowing the wheat and the chaff to grow together”. Perhaps we are actually seeing an unfolding of this in our lifetimes. Another Biblical Narrative (Revelation) refers to in the end times “nation will rise against nation” though this is a mistranslation as the Greek is clear in that it is ETHNOS or ethnic group rising against ethnic group. It is interesting in that any current disagreement with the current fascist regime results in charges of racism.

    A historical perusal will reveal that the concept of peace is a fleeting one. Though it has been good living in the U.S. as we have not had regular revolts every 30 to 40 years as other countries have had. One of the reasons for this I believe is that our country started with G-dly men who had the concept of the individual rather than the collective. Hence our Bill Of Rights, etc.

    It is this very concept of individual rights and freedoms that are at the heart of the Obama attack in his “Fundamental Transformation of America”. One might ask just what he wants to fundamentally transform America into? The ramming of socialist/fascist laws down our throats perhaps reveals some direction. For any Coup to succeed the attacking army must secure the finances, industries, energy/transportation, and for good measure the access to health-care. Once accomplished control over the populace is complete.

    This of course is rejected among the TEA party people who comprise Repubs, Democrats, and former Dems like myself, etc. We stand for individual liberty and responsibility. It is fundamentally wrong for any government to dictate every aspect of one’s life: (John Adams).

    Anyway, it is clear ever more so as time passes and you see HOW D.C. reacts to States Rights and individuals standing up and speaking out, just what wolves are wearing sheep’s clothing.

    What we need is a resurgence of the Black Robe Brigade.

    There is your history assignment for the week. What was the Black Robe Brigade? And why, without them would there have never been a colonial revolution against Britain? And why without them would there never have been freedom and individual liberties in this land today?

    His Blessings to you.

  10. Well done.

    And as the elections approach we may wish to ask ourselves, just what kind of America do we want? A Constitutional Republic as was established? Or something without standards? If the latter the end result can only be the governmental takeover of every aspect of human life as there can be no vacuum.

    Just today an article appeared in WND reminding us of… “When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he visited Colorado Springs and WND broke the the story that he wanted a “Civilian National Security Force” as big and as well-funded as the $650 billion-plus U.S. military. Now Charlie Rangel is proposing that he have it.”

    Let me see, when was the last time in world history that a country had a “National Security Force”?

    And someone here posted glibly that history does not repeat itself…. shame, shame…

    So, what kind of Amerika do we want? A block kaptain on every korner? In every neighborhood? Is that what we are becoming? Look, I have not said these things they are a matter of public record. What is a National Security Force used for? My friend who survived the holocaust can tell you. What of the survivor from the former Soviet Union who visited our place of worship? She can tell you…. Just what kind of Amerika is BO planning for us in his “Fundamental Transformation of Amerika” statement. ?

  11. Got an email blurb:… Don’t to whom the previous question is addressed but if to me… I would answer of course not. The condition of our economy is a damning proclamation that socialism did not work as an ill-fated attempt to fix the Great Depression, and it has proven again that socialism does not work in the recent years. We are not out of the hot water yet. Socialists turned the 1929 crash/depression into the Great Depression. In the present case, we are in a bad way. Hopefully the socialist damage can be repealed and reversed so this mild depression does not morph into yet another Great Depression. I am not sure if American Elites will ever learn. Certainly the American people have. Interesting that copies of the Constitution of the United States of America have sold out all across the country as people have educated themselves and spoken at the polls. The largest landslide rejection liberal-fascism since 1932. That is very encouraging as it speaks volumes as to the resiliency of the American people and the inherent refusal of this people to be enslaved to socialist / communist dictatorships from elite polit bureaus. Remember people, liberalism is not nice, or kind. Adolph Hitler was a liberal… ahhh, yes he was. His political party was, “The National SOCIALIST (workers) Party” AKA, the Nazi Party.

    I find history in the making a fascinating subject. The views of the people are amazing and spans the spectrum.

    Here is an entry from one of my ancestors, “I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. This man is just one man and since he is mashugana in his speech no one will listen to him.” The entries continue some weeks later. “I write from Switzerland, we had no idea what a monster, what a devil this man was, we were all caught off our feet” (modern speech would say, caught off guard). In four short years this man turned the safest land (country) on earth into the most hellish murder machine on earth.” The entries end and begin again in America.

    Yup Adolph was quite a guy. The perfect liberal.

  12. Post Script:
    One very dangerous policy in place right now is from the FED, who through QE1 which failed and now QE2 is in process of monetizing our national debt. I personally witnessed Ben Bernanke lie under oath that he will not monetize the national debt. Why is this historically dangerous?

    Research Zimbabwe and Pre-Nazi Germany, the BiMar Republic. They monetized their debt. 10,000 percent interest rates are the natural outcome of such behavior. You may have heard stories in your history classes or economics classes (if not ask why not) of wives standing outside the factories to get the paychecks from their worker husbands who were paid on an HOURLY basis; who would then run to the bank to exchange the now worthless german currency into some other currency. Monetizing the national debt crashes the VALUE of the nation’s currency. Watch the prices of food over the next six months. Really.

    You may have heard in your classes that this purposeful crashing of the currency resulted in people having to put (us equivalent) hundreds of thousands of dollars in a wheel-borrow just to pay for one loaf of bread; IF the loaf of bread was even available. From this rubble then rose a Savior, the liberal who promised everything the people wanted to hear. This liberal Savior Adolph Hitler. Who will promise what the people want to hear in our country?

  13. Curtis Mays says that we do not know anything or at least he alludes to that. Well, I don’t agree that we know nothing but it is true that there is still a whole lot about which we don’t know and maybe we’ll never know.

    However, arguing politely or debating is harmless while also stimulating brain cells and evoking passions. I see advantages to this process, although it may not result in attainment of absolute truisms.

    See me at http://orchidcare.org/

  14. Wayne, man, I don’t know who you think you’re talking to in here. Anyway, I hope you know that in 20-30 years, your ideology will conclusively be proven wrong. There are going to be massive, unstoppable and irreparable changes to society, the economy, and the world. Your little fantasy world, however tenuous, will be a mirage (more than it is now). As a history professor, you might know this.

  15. Dear Carl Sagan’s ghost…
    Perhaps you missed the largest landslide of political revolution that has happened in the last 70 years. Over 80% of the American people are good, G-d loving, hard-working, caring, conservative people. It just became too much and we voted. Yes there are that noisy 20% who are not happy with anything unless they can destroy something. Unfortunately there has always been that destructive nature to man. Ghost, you may indeed be correct, certainly The Bible predicts a terrible time when men will behave as animals and violence, perversion and destruction will rule. What remains then is the question of our Lord’s return. Will He return Pre-Tribulation? Mid-Trib or Post Trib? For now Communists have been beaten back for a time by the 80% tea party people in our country. How long will this last? We don’t know. It is known that history always repeats itself and there will be yet another test soon. Liberty and freedom are never free and on this fallen, sinful world it is certainly tested time and time again. Who will be the next Stalin, Marx, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro, Che, Mao? Unfortunately in this fallen world times of peace are always fleeting. Yes Ghost, you may indeed be correct, but for now the good people of this country, those awful people hated by the noisy 20% have chosen liberty once again. When will the next test be? Who knows. Maybe it will be led by people like you Ghost who seem to not be happy with what kind people want… Peace and freedom from tyranny.

  16. Pardon my typo in post of November 14: “Research Zimbabwe and Pre-Nazi Germany, the BiMar Republic….”

    Meant to type, “Weimar Republic” of Germany 1923

  17. What planet are y’all living on? Reagan and his ilk effectively de-graduated our income tax, assuring everyone money would just come trickling down to us all. Well, it didn’t trickle, it came in a torrent of money to the already rich, the people who have been moving jobs to China in order not to pay workers here even our absurdly low minimum wage. These are the same greedy folks who then cut health care benefits for the remaining workers. And you trust these people? My God, now they want to privatize social security. These are not people Patrick Henry. would have liked and they don’t care about people — just profits. Greed is not a virtue under Christianity or any of the beliefs, including disbelief, protected by our Constitution. I know times are scary, but this nonsensical conspiratory-laden nonsense being shouted from the keyboards left and right — well, really just right and further right — is, while protected speech, indicative more of mass psychosis than a political viewpoint. Go see a doctor…if you have insurance.

    Let’s stop this supply side idiocy and return to an economic model that got us out of the Depression, created the fast-disappearing middle class, and until being dismantled in a still-continuing effort begun 30 years ago, prevented the sort of free fall we’re now experiencing: John Maynard Keynes, please come back.
    And Mr. Johnson, I’ll again ask where you got your degrees, in what field, and where you teach? Did you have any federally guaranteed student loans?

  18. Greetings Brett Rogers….

    how sad and how ill informed you are… the Reagan Revolution created over two million jobs, spurred investment and created the most productive period in American history since the previous one hundred years. Yes money did trickle down.. Unfortunately the Communist-fascist Van Jones crew did not like the prosperity that occurred so they had to rewrite history counting upon the inability of people to learn from it or remember it. Charity abounded, more young people were able to attend higher education than any point since the great tax cuts ending the great depression… And opportunity was wide open to anyone wanting to work.

    Ideally if our elected servants would utilize what little grey matter they have, they would pass the Fairtax thereby eliminating all forms of income taxation. Income tax punishes productivity and caps prosperity. The Fairtax would actually increase revenue to federal and state treasuries. Trillions of dollars would be repatriated and business would return to the U.S. A subset of this behavior exists within the United States as the State of California. In the calendar year 2010, 153 companies were lost to the State of Texas (some to Nevada), in 2009, 125 businesses were lost to the State of Texas (some to Nevada), etc. Why? Texas does not have personal or corporate income tax! Neither does Nevada. So the Van Jones Communist-Fascist group would cry foul how dare they abandon a wonderful state like California! No, these companies are looking for an environment in which they can prosper and in turn provide good livings for their employees and good returns to their investors. So Texas and Nevada is benefiting from the Socialist-Communist-Fascist attitude of California politicians. Now Texas is facing some challenges to be sure due to unconstitutional and unfunded federal mandates but Texas is doing the right thing for instance making it a felony for any person or persons to force any Texan to purchase or maintain ObamaDeathCare which is in reality Genocide of the elderly and disabled. California is facing bankruptcy. Our country as a whole by adopting the lead of Texas and by passing the Fairtax would bring many businesses back to our country, though probably not California.

    No Brett Rogers, what we need is another Reagan revolution in our country. Part of it happened in the last landslide when 80% of our country’s population, the Tea Party people agreed was time to give the boot to Communists. Hopefully and prayerfully, we can give the boot to the remaining Communist Obama and his Obamatrons….

    1. On the flip side:

      What if Americans are not able to give the boot to the Communists? What if Bernanke is not stopped from his monetizing the national debt? One can only learn from history… my grand-folks lived through the hyper-inflation in Germany when a loaf of bread cost millions…. the story they related was that it actually cost less money to burn money in their stove for heat and to cook with than it did to buy wood to burn in their stove! We are now just beginning to see the effect of the intentional devaluing of our dollar by the current regime…. gas approaching $5.00; food costing more each week; cotton up more than 150% so clothing will increase in cost… maybe it will be a good idea rather than to criticize the Tea Party, to join the effort to reverse Communism – Fascism and return to our Constitutional Republic that honors our Constitution and the system that created the greatest nation on earth………… ?

      Interesting that Obama can just give Billions to a Communist Terrorist in Brazil to develop THEIR oil drilling industry and at the same time stopping the drilling of our OWN resources that would stop our dependence on foreign oil. One asks, why is Obama so apologetic of our great country and yet buddies up to Communist and Islamic Terrorists?

      Just food for thought.

      1. Correction clarification : Bernanke if i am correct was also in place in the Bush regime… Bush also not a friend of the Constitution…..

  19. Hi Patrock… You are correct because we are very much at war, not only in the middle east but we have a liberal-fascist megalomaniac in the presidency that has declared war on our own country… all to “spread the wealth around” if you remember obama,s own words…. according to Cloward & Piven, obama’s mentors the quickest way to achieve a county’s collapse is to cause the economy to collapse in on itself with so much debt that it cannot survive… today the CBO announced that our debt surpasses the entire GDP of China and will be at 70% of our own GDP this fall… further in just a few years our debt will be over 100% of GDP, that is when we collapse… it would appear their are those in this government who are committed to a One World Utopian Government. The only way to achieve that is to collapse the United States. I remember my grandparents writing about Germany and the Weimar Republic… the government was in process of collapsing their economy by monetizing the national debt just as Bernanke is doing right now in our country, the economy collapsed under the hyperinflation (notice gas and food going up in price recently did you?) and arose from that rubble a savior, Hitler who told the people anything they wanted to hear… you know the result. My grandparents wrote again when they escaped the National SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY of Adolph Hitler (yes Hitler was a liberal, as was Stalin, and Mao, and Mussolini and Castro and Obama) and their former beloved Germany expressing their utter disbelief that Germany, the safest country on Earth for Jews could become the most efficient murder machine this planet has ever seen… you see in most take-overs people do not realize it until it is too late… In the present instance this obama regime is having a more difficult time of it because of the Internet and the TEA Party and the fact that people are more connected than ever before… (Which is why obama is seeking to take over the Internet as well as the banking sector, health sector, and transportation sector)… I can hear the guffaws now… point of fact though is that perhaps for the first time in U.S. history (though some historians would argue the second time), we have a fascist dictator in the White House…. NONSENSE you say? Examine B.O.’s actions: he is now dictating through Executive Orders and his Regulatory Czar’s to accomplish harmful actions that would never be able to be achieved through legal means… BO is bypassing the Congress AND our Constitution. Yes Patrock, you are correct the most horrific militant movement is now well under way and led by traitors who are living in a Star Trek fantasy. The problem with a One World Government is, who will emerge as the One World Leader? We know that such a move will most certainly not bring the freedoms we now enjoy… Interestingly our Bible, G-d’s Word already has predicted a One World Order led by a demonic tyrant. So are we really actually witnessing the emergence of the Last Days? Should we then surrender to traitors? No, it is our belief as TEA Party members (Jews AND Gentiles) that we have been given a wonderful gift of freedom here in our country. And we know that in all of human history only 5% of all people of all recorded history have had freedom… and that 5% is right here in our country. This freedom is well worth protecting. And we continue to inform those who will listen, and feel sorry for those who mock our efforts, because we are fighting for all our freedoms, even the mockers… is it not wonderful that you have the freedom to mock? I know in Nazi Germany, anyone making fun of or mocking Hitler was shot dead in the streets or beaten to death by Hitler’s Brown shirts. Speaking of Brown Shirts… Have you not seen in the news the Purple Shirts of SEIU that beat a black man nearly to death because he was handing out copies of our Constitution on the streets? You see Hitler had his Brown Shirts and Obama has his Purple Shirts… My own sister had a run in with Obama’s Purple shirt thugs… Yes my very own sister… she was driving a friends car that had a bumper sticker on the back that said, “Beat Obama with a Cain”.. Herman Cain for President…. 3 Purple Shirts each over 6’ tall invaded her space and threatened her life with clubs, don’t you remember in the news the union thug leader who ordered his Purple Shirt mobsters to get bloody?… Anyway every family seems to have a tradition, with some families it is watching TV getting fat and watching TV… with ours nearly everyone in our family (that includes extended family of 150 people) without exception are masters at KRAV MAGA the most lethal martial art on Earth, we all started at age 5 or younger….Our family moto is, “NEVER AGAIN” Anyway she remembered her history about Hitler’s Brown shirts and would not be intimidated by Obama Purple shirts, she disabled all three of the big six footers even rendering one incapable of ever reproducing… My sis stands a whopping 5’ 4”. None pressed charges because there were people recording the assault on my sister with their cell phones….KEEP THOSE CELL PHONES HANDY! Yes Patrock, OUR country led by a liberal-fascist megalomaniac who has a need to control every facet of all our lives has a very horrific militant movement going on right now… its name is Obama. His name is Evil. And how you vote in 2012 will determine if freedom is won or lost forever. If anyone in our family votes for a democrat or RINO we are disinherited and disowned. The stakes are that high and I support this decision… I encourage you to take a position of freedom… join the TEA Party in your area, and support Michelle Bachmann…Michele will be known as one of the great hero’s in our fight to retain freedom from the fascists.

  20. 2011 June 23: Unemployment over 400,000 for 11 weeks straight. Bernanke disputing obama, says economy not a bump in the road, America is in fact officially now in decline… obama adds to oil release from reserve by at least 30 million barrels in short term political move… traders say this is irresponsible as oil is being released at bad price, wasting tax dollars again……… New home sales at lowest point ever…. join us in the TEA Party as we are fighting right now in discussions with liberal-fascist democrats who are insisting they will tax Americans more and more even in light of this disaster…. Join the TEA Party in your area and spread the word that we will not tolerate treason, we will demand to keep our land free. Part of what we are fighting for is a Balanced Budget Amendment; the FAIRTAX; and a return to Constitutional constraints.

  21. WHO ARE ALL OF YOU PEOPLE AND WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? I mean, I’m flattered that you even read it to begin with… but really. Wayne, I’ve got a good website you might like: freerepublic.com it’s a discussion board for people with your opinions…. this isn’t really the best discussion venue, I would say.

  22. Greetings Steve Palmer… I am a bit surprised that you are a bit surprised… you see you touched on a nerve by your initial comments regarding the TEA Party people… most of which were patently false, the rest are distortions. TEA Party people are well educated, informed and concerned for our country, which has been co-opted by former 60’s radicals who seem not capable of logical reasoning or having any concept of right and wrong. Anywhere we have access to the public we are educating and correcting. The vitriol of the last couple years has been the liberal-fascist crowd amazed and threatened that there is a massive group of people who know how this country was formed and what this country is about. The more time obama has in power the more damage he does, but then the more people understand that he and his obamatrons do not have the best interest of our country in mind… consistent with Cloward and Piven, his mentors, obama seeks to destroy our economy and our country. Our job as patriots is getting easier every day as we see our country and economy decline. Now everywhere you see the liberal-fascists lie about the TEA party people, you will have TEA party people calling the liars on it. That is unless or until BO takes over the internet as he has taken over the banking sector, the transportation sector and now my doctor tells me he is retiring early as obamadeathcare is there to quietly exterminate the elderly and disabled… help save America… join a local TEA party and support hero’s like Michele Bachman….

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