Valentine’s Day is over, and the roses are wilting. The chocolates are long gone, but the upset stomach still lingers. It is hard to tell if the ache stems from the sugar overload or if the roots dig deep down to the uncertainty of the future with your current flame. Is this the one? Is it just a bit of fun? Will it be smoldering with passion? Or will it just burn? Healthy Relationships and You, an event taking place in Linner Lounge on Feb. 24 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., seeks to help reconcile some of these tantalizing questions.
Lisa Rinehart, the staff psychologist at the counseling center, discusses the issue of healthy relationships with students as the speaker for the workshop.
“[Lisa] is a great facilitator,” Senior Chemistry Major Kyle Hunt, who visited the workshop last year, said.
In the workshop, all types of relationships are covered. One of the goals is to help students recognize when they are involved in a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy relationship.
“[The workshop] will give guidelines to look for and things to think about,” Rinehart said. She also said that there a few indicators you can pick up on by just following your own intuition and paying attention to the people who care about you. “In general: listen to the thoughts from people around you and consider what they are saying. Follow your values. Take responsibility for your own happiness. Trust your gut. If it doesn’t feel right, it may not be. On the other hand, if it feels right, it may be!”
Communication is another key to healthy relationships. “Getting the discussion going is great on all levels. Opening a dialog is a great way to get things started,” Sophomore Communication Studies Major and Peer Assistant Ben Batz said. This is exactly what the Healthy Relationships and You workshop seeks to accomplish.
Although the workshop will answer many questions, it will not give you all the answers. “I would encourage students to find the answers for themselves. They are the best judge of what they need,” Rinehart said.
As Rinehart put it, “We are all in relationships.” So it is worth your while to visit the Linner Lounge this Feb. 24 at 3:30 p.m. However, counseling on healthy relationships can be found anytime. The Counseling Center welcomes students to stop by during daily office hours from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.