Dec. 10 through 13 the Gustavus Department of Theatre and Dance will present its Physical Theater Project Falling Awake. The play will be performed at 8:00 p.m. Dec. 10-12 and at 2:00 p.m. Dec. 13. Tickets are sold out. An extra performance Dec. 12 at 2:00 p.m. was added, and has also sold out.
The performance will take place in the Black Box Theatre. Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance Henry MacCarthy directs this production, which is an experimental piece.
“[The play] is really working from the body,” MacCarthy said. The play has no script and is acted using only body actions.
“The department wanted to offer a space where we could focus on technique,” MacCarthy said. “It’s more experimental, and it’s very exciting.”
The unconventional style of the play required a great amount of effort from the actors, who come from diverse backgrounds. Some are theatre majors, and the rest are from various other departments.The students were informed of the play’s nature before audtitions, so the final cast are all interested in the play’s style.
The play was not taken from a pre-existing script; the entire production is the product of those persons involved. Some of the content was incorporated during exercises and rehearsals where actors would experiment with their roles.
Though this is not MacCarthy’s first time directing a no-dialogue play, it is the first time he has done so at Gustavus.
“Not all of us knew exactly how it would turn out. It’s been a learning experience. [The cast and crew] have worked very hard to make it happen,” MacCarthy said.
The Department of Theatre and Dance has several exciting shows coming next semester. Past shows have sold out very quickly. Be aware of announcements and purchase tickets on campus or online.