Re: Gustavus to add academic building, redesign Anderson

In response to Joey Taylor’s insightful article concerning the planned academic building and the redesign of the Arthur H. Anderson Social Science Center, I would like to correct a couple historical inaccuracies regarding both the center and the library.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the library building occurred on April 1, 1947. When completed, the facility cost $420,000 and was dedicated on Homecoming Weekend during October 1948. A rededication occurred during June 1950 when the building was renamed the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library, in honor of slain Swedish mediator Count Folke Bernadotte. Although designed as a library, the building soon proved too small to address the needs of a growing student body and greatly expanded collection of books, journals and microfilms.

Subsequently, planning began during the late 1960s for the construction of a new (the current) library. After spending approximately 2.7 million dollars, the second Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library opened during autumn 1972. While the current library has space and some electrical limitations, the building has served the campus well over the past 37 years.

To learn more about campus history, please visit the College Archives located on the library’s third floor.

Jeff Jenson
College and Lutheran Church Archivist

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