GUSTIE of the WEEK: Kaleb Stevens

Emma Esteb – Staff Writer Kaleb Stevens (‘25), Gustie of the Week, is a hard-working and resilient individual from Ohaeawai, Northland, New Zealand. Stevens chose Gustavus for a few different reasons. The first being “the generous offer from the Gustavus Men’s Tennis team as they compete and play at a very high level and the second reason being that the classes will help with the career … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Kaleb Stevens

Gustie Cup returns: entrepreneurs compete for lucrative prizes

Brady Boie – Staff Writer After a two-year (in-person) hiatus, the Gustie Cup will return to campus this spring on Saturday, April 30, 2022 in Beck Academic Hall. This campus-wide competition allows innovative Gusties to share their business ideas with potential investors, faculty, and fellow students. This competition offers a range of prizes and promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, and attention to detail. Gusties from all majors are welcome … Continue reading Gustie Cup returns: entrepreneurs compete for lucrative prizes

Embracing Latinx culture: OLAS Latinx Night

Emma Esteb – Staff Writer Last Friday, April 1 the Organization for Latin American Students (OLAS) welcomed the Gustavus community for their Annual Latinx Night in Alumni Hall from 6:00-8:00 pm. The event was complete with a diverse assortment of food from Latin America along with multiple student and professional performances, live music, and more. The title for the night was “The Many Faces of Latin … Continue reading Embracing Latinx culture: OLAS Latinx Night

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Chris Ortiz

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer This week’s Gustie of the Week, Chris Ortiz (‘22), has found numerous ways to connect with his interests and his background here on campus whilst making his mark. A Political Science major and English minor, he is co-president of OLAS, (Organization for Latinx American Students) where members meet weekly to plan events that “showcase the diversity of Latin American food, politics, … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Chris Ortiz

Gustavus dance company concert

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer To Love the World Harder: The Gustavus Dance Company in Concert is the theme of this year’s spring concert, which will be held from 8:00 p.m. on April 7, 8 and 9, with an additional performance at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 10 in the Rob and Judy Gardner Laboratory Theatre. Tickets for the spring concert are available online at or … Continue reading Gustavus dance company concert

One last hurrah: LC Bloc Party

Emma Esteb – Staff  Writer Gustavus Women in Leadership (GWIL) partnered with Pan African Student Organization (PASO) last Friday, Feb. 25 at 7:00 pm in the Center for Inclusive Excellence where they hosted the LC Bloc Party: A Celebration of Freedom. As the last hurrah for Black History Month, these organizations welcomed back R&B and pop artist, Jaki. The event was filled with live music, a … Continue reading One last hurrah: LC Bloc Party

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Carter Lenard

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer Carter Learned (‘24), Gustie of the Week, is a passionate and highly motivated Gustavus student Majoring in Theater with Honors with a focus on Lighting Design. In addition to the wide array of work he does in the theater department, he also holds the position of Chair for the Inclusive Excellence Committee in the Student Senate, is a member of LineUs … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Carter Lenard

Africa Night

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer Africa Night is an annual event sponsored by the Pan-Afrikan Student Organization (PASO) and will be held from 6-8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 11 in Alumni Hall followed by the Africa Night Dive later that evening from 10:30-1:00 a.m. Both events are open to students, faculty, and off-campus visitors. PASO is a student organization on campus that promotes Black identity and … Continue reading Africa Night

Dance the Night Away: PASO’s Kizomba Workshop

Emma Esteb –  Staff Writer The Pan-African Student Organization (PASO) sponsored Africa Night 2022 ‘Unapologetically Black.’ To start off the week, the organization hosted a Kizomba Dance workshop in the Aerobics room of Lund from 6:00-7:30 pm. This event was high-energy, engaging, and a fun event to kick off Africa Week. The goal of this event was to showcase a dance from an African country and … Continue reading Dance the Night Away: PASO’s Kizomba Workshop

PA event gets hoppin’

Leah Thompson – Staff Writer During Monday’s Mock Bar Hop there were many activities for students to do. Some of the most popular events included Plinko with trivia questions, pong and karaoke along with wellness pot painting and a photo booth. Mocktails were served to students alongside the various activities. The Peer Assistants, PAs for short, are a group of Gustavus students who are committed to … Continue reading PA event gets hoppin’