The library deserves a renovation

David Eide – Opinion Columnist This week, the new Lund expansion officially opens for public use which has prompted some thought on my part regarding the future of other Gustavus buildings. Of course, the renovation of Lund is not done and likely will not be done for several more years but still I found my curiosity was piqued. On the Show the World fundraising campaign website … Continue reading The library deserves a renovation

A lesson in composting

Cadence Paramore – Assistant Editor-in-Chief All around campus there are numerous bins for Gusties to dispose of their waste. We have your typical garbage and recycling bins, though the disappointment of the recycling bins not adhering to your anticipated “blue” is unsatisfying. And finally our green compost bins which are the most misunderstood. With Gusties being “undeniably” smart and, more-than-not, environmentally conscious– it’s baffling how … Continue reading A lesson in composting

Gusties should be skipping (to) classes

Jonas Doerr – Staff Writer I see it everyday. Students walking past, head down, backpack on their backs, and avoiding all eye contact. One tries to greet them with a friendly smile, but they avoid eye contact like they’re looking at Medusa. They slowly trudge past and eventually arrive at their destination. Perhaps there they perk up a bit. But it’s too late then! After all, … Continue reading Gusties should be skipping (to) classes

Korinna Hylen – Guest Columnist I read the Fourth Crown from time to time. The headlines and preview paragraphs usually merit a giggle and occasionally an article link will be worth sharing. Last Friday I was sent a suspicious Instagram post from the Fourth Crown’s official account apologizing for their recent article which was “interpreted as being ableist towards members of the Gustavus community.” Naturally, I … Continue reading

Get the bj’s out of Bjorling

Jonas Doerr – Opinion Columnist There’s been some buzz on campus recently, but not by humans. Ferocious monsters lurk in dark corners of one of Gustavus’ academic buildings, and no hero has yet vanquished these terrible foes. Black Jacket wasps have infested the music building. The wasps have made their presence known in most areas of the building, but they are particularly numerous in the Bjorling … Continue reading Get the bj’s out of Bjorling