Gustavus is bigoted

Cadence Paramore – Editor-in-Chief If you’re an avid reader of the Weekly, or even if you just enjoy perusing the opinion section and occasionally filling out a puzzle or two in entertainment, you probably saw our opinion piece on the ‘chalk wars’ that happen each semester.  If you didn’t, the chalk wars are a fight reduced down to passive-aggressive messages in chalk located in front … Continue reading Gustavus is bigoted

Horror movies make better students

Jonas Doerr – Opinions Columnist The truck stops running. The teens pile out, wondering what’s wrong. They’re out of gas and have to walk to a dark, candlelit farmhouse. Suddenly, a chainsaw revs up. The teens scream and scatter into the woods! Sometimes I wonder why people watch horror movies. The plots are sometimes predictable, they can be gross, and we all get enough horror … Continue reading Horror movies make better students

The chalk wars: fall 2022

Gustavian Weekly Writer Chalk has struck campus yet again. Last Monday night, pro-life Gusties took to the sidewalks to share their views on abortion rights and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Tuesday saw a world of drama. “Spilled” water, mops, Queers and Allies, more chalk, the Women’s Action Coalition, and YikYaks abounded, and absolutely zero minds were changed.  And I am thrilled.  Obviously it’s … Continue reading The chalk wars: fall 2022

The war on Halloween

David Eide – Opinions Columnist As Halloween inches closer and closer, I find myself contemplating a matter of stark importance: the overcommercialization of Halloween.  As we become increasingly focused on material concerns such as candy or ever more elaborate costumes we lose sight of the true reason for the season, namely the warding off of ghosts and other ghoulish entities.  I have become concerned enough … Continue reading The war on Halloween

Batman 66

Jacob Engdahl – Opinions Columnist Batman is perhaps one of the most influential characters to come out of comic books. His long history in comics stretches back almost as far as Superman’s and extends longer than Captain America’s. His affiliated comic series are some of DC Comics’ most consistently selling titles, and the publisher knows that any book, no matter how tangentially related to Batman, … Continue reading Batman 66

Not stepping on cracks is holding you back

Jonas Doerr – Opinions Columnist Life could be better if we stepped on sidewalk cracks. It’s a common superstition that if a person steps on the crack between two sidewalk slabs, something bad will happen. Many people don’t even believe the superstition, but still avoid stepping on the cracks anyways. Yet they are missing out on a multitude of opportunities to step up their game. … Continue reading Not stepping on cracks is holding you back

Time, literature’s greatest enemy

David Eide – Opinions Columnist Just recently, I found myself in the back section of the Book Mark, where all the textbooks are kept and which was briefly open for public view and perusal during the Nobel Conference.  Befitting a liberal arts college, I noticed a lot of classical texts: Plato’s Republic, the Aeneid, the Odyssey, you know, the stuff you would expect to see … Continue reading Time, literature’s greatest enemy