Stop talking about feet

Jonas Doerr – Opinion Columnist The Gustavus Chemistry Club is hosting their Science on Saturday event on Saturday, April 22nd in Nobel Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. They are collaborating with the chemistry, biology, geology, and physics departments to demonstrate and teach science experiments to elementary students in the Saint Peter area.    “The goal of Science on Saturday has always been to … Continue reading Stop talking about feet

Fooled ya!

David Eide – Opinion Columnist One of the most important holidays of the year is fast approaching and I believe it’s necessary to do some serious thinking about the ideas behind it. I am of course referring to April Fools’ Day, that wonderful day where practical jokes and tomfoolery reign supreme and you cannot let down your guard lest you fall victim to a masterfully … Continue reading Fooled ya!

Is the sauna actually good for you?

Jonas Doerr – Opinion Columnist Being hot usually isn’t relaxing. A hothead is someone who gets angry easily. A heated argument is usually a bit too intense. Someone who breaks into a cold sweat is nervous or afraid. And if a situation is steamy, nobody involved will be very calm. The sauna is different. Instead of becoming angry or nervous, most people relax when sweating … Continue reading Is the sauna actually good for you?

There’s a need for Music History in schools

Houston McLaury – Opinion Columnist There is never a moment that goes by where music is not in the lives of every person. With the invention of the mobile phone, a whole library of albums can be accessed with a simple touch of the finger. Cars have built-in radios, soundtracks can be found in nearly every tv show and movie, and even in grocery stores, … Continue reading There’s a need for Music History in schools

How we memorialize things

David Eide – Opinions Columnist How we memorialize our history has been especially relevant in recent years with the ongoing controversy surrounding the continued display of Confederate monuments in many southern states. My interest in this topic was spurred by a trip I took over spring break to several different state capitals, all of which featured statues on their grounds seeking to memorialize aspects of … Continue reading How we memorialize things

Spring feels weird, embrace it

Gabrielle Lavan – Opinions Columnist Spring is a time of rejuvenation. The snow has melted, the grass grows greener, and the bugs crawl out from hell to bother us once again. Springtime lays the groundwork for summertime to prevail. However, spring can be a time of deep discomfort because of its transitional nature. This is especially true for Gusties because springtime is a sign that … Continue reading Spring feels weird, embrace it

Physical books vs digital books

David Eide – Opinion Columnist  In the past few decades, a lot of hay has been made over the reading habits of the various younger generations, whether those be millennials or Gen Z. In general, the coverage contends that the youth aren’t reading enough because of the internet or phones or whatever other new thing catches their fancy. However, recent data suggests that younger generations, … Continue reading Physical books vs digital books