Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Although The Weekly has never been a highly professional news article, I have enjoyed feeling connected with my Gustavus community through its articles. However, the previous release of The Weekly took an unprofessional and unacceptable turn in splitting the community with their main article. Why are we writing articles about what is wrong in our community when we could be writing to bring our community … Continue reading Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Service in Peru

The Gustavian Weekly’s article picturing Machu Picchu gives comfort to Gustavus’ community, yet misses the larger story why our Gustavus Adolphus student were in Peru. Three years ago, Emily Zahrer, Alysha Thompson and Emily Tommerdahl recognized a J-term “service” opportunity to serve the poorest of the poor in Chimbote, Peru. Soon Professor Deb Pitton explored their findings and began challenging Gustavus Adolphus, now establishing Gustavus’ … Continue reading Service in Peru

Re: Sexual assault reported on campus

Last time I checked, one of the core values of Gustavus is Justice. The article “Sexual assault reported on campus,” crushed that value to pieces. I am absolutely appalled that this article was published in the manner it was, and there is more than one reason for this. Reason number one: Jeff Stocco was interviewed before the hearing for the assailant in question was held. … Continue reading Re: Sexual assault reported on campus

Re: New exhibit at Hillstrom Museum of Art shows familiar styles

I was pleased to see Annika Ferber’s informative article “New exhibit at Hillstrom Museum of Art shows familiar styles” in today’s issue of The Gustavian Weekly. The Weekly’s coverage of Museum exhibitions and programs is much appreciated. I would like to correct a small error in the article, however, in a quote attributed to me in the context of discussion of the liberal arts ideal. … Continue reading Re: New exhibit at Hillstrom Museum of Art shows familiar styles

Internet policies and pornography

It was just the other week that Gustavus reported three incidents of sexual assault, an issue that Gustavus takes very seriously.  However, have we stopped to consider that sexual assault might only be a symptom of a larger problem and not a root issue?  Dr. Patrick Fagan of the Family Research Council published an article that associates pornography viewing habits with an increased propensity to … Continue reading Internet policies and pornography

Don’t buy from child labor abusers

I recently spent a semester on the Gustavus Social Justice, Peace and Development study abroad program in India. I learned a lot about justice in our world, but looking back on my experiences, one issue sticks out in my mind as one in which we all can make a difference. This is the issue of child labor. I came in contact with child laborers during … Continue reading Don’t buy from child labor abusers

Minnesota state budget

It is too often that our desire to get new things exceeds our ability to pay for them. This is not only true for children at the candy store and adults in the electronics store; it is also true of our state government. Since 1960, Minnesota’s general fund budgets have increased by an average of 21 percent every two years. That figure is unsustainable.  Because … Continue reading Minnesota state budget

Campaign Finance

Last year, the insurance companies gutted health care, the banks walked off with a trillion dollars in bailouts and oil coal, and nuclear lobbyists hijacked the clean energy jobs bill. That was before the Supreme Court recognized corporations as equal to individual citizens and effectively repealed all limits on corporate political spending. Everyone knows that it costs millions of dollars to run for political office. … Continue reading Campaign Finance

Pathways for progress

At Gustavus, many of us have erected a wall of antipathy toward each other and our differences.  By exaggerating differences and divisions, this wall separates and paralyzes us from coming together on points of agreement in order to pursue practical progress and realistic reforms. The student-led Campus Initiative Program titled ‘Pathways to Progress’ is intended as a vehicle for tearing down this wall in order … Continue reading Pathways for progress

Flu Season

As we enter the flu season the media have reported numerous tips on how to stay healthy. While actively preventing illness is important to your health, there is another aspect which has received little attention. This is keeping track of your medical history so doctors know how best to treat you. According to a research paper published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, “in … Continue reading Flu Season