Re: Faith is not a virtue

As leaders of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, we feel compelled to respond to Peter Weeks’ article “Faith is not a virtue” published in last week’s Weekly. We find his argument inconsistent being that faith is an integral part of learning at Gustavus. The standard with which Weeks’ can judge whether something is right or wrong must be borrowed from morals established by the Christian faith. … Continue reading Re: Faith is not a virtue

Gustavus Forensics Team

While Butler University basked in the media glow of its NCAA Final Four Cinderella story, closer to home, the Gustavus forensics team is in the midst of yet another amazing season. On Easter Sunday, the forensics team accomplished the unimaginable feat of placing in the top ten at the American Forensics Association National Individual Events Tournament.  Going up against larger teams with five times the … Continue reading Gustavus Forensics Team

Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Several questions to everyone who objected to The Weekly’s article on Case Day: When has censorship ever been considered just or effective? Do you honestly believe that if The Weekly does not print an article on Case Day, this tradition will weaken or end? Do you really believe prospective students are naïve enough to believe that binge drinking does not occur at college? The Weekly … Continue reading Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Vandalism in one of the showers in Co-Ed

On Monday, March 8, I was notified that there was a vandalism in one of the showers in Co-Ed. Someone chose to write in permanent marker, “(Name) and (Name), get a real job,” directing this message at the building’s custodians. Even worse, this vandalism took place during Custodial Appreciation Week. Thanks to the permanent marker, a team of five Gustavus students (myself included) and the … Continue reading Vandalism in one of the showers in Co-Ed

Neutral-faith space

Recently, the proposed idea of a “neutral-faith space” has come under attack. The point of a neutral-faith space is to have a place where non-Christians can worship and practice fellowship; a place where a cross, easily the most Christian symbol existent, is not the focal point of the building, both inside and out; a place where the name of the building does not clearly state … Continue reading Neutral-faith space

Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Every year at around this time, I am embarrassed to be a Gustie. Why? Because “Case Day” returns to campus like a stalking ex. Instead of writing yet another Gustavian article that masquerades as satire while giving this “tradition” oxygen, it is time to throw on it the cold vomit of scorn that it deserves. Yes, there are many great traditions at Gustavus of which … Continue reading Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

I was originally angry when I read The Weekly’s February 26 article about Case Day. Then I read the Mar. 5 clarification and thought that The Weekly might have a good point about the need to expose the binge drinking issues on campus. However, I reread the original article and realized that it is nothing but an unabashed glorification of college alcoholism in its finest … Continue reading Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner

I am sure that this isn’t the only letter you have received that expresses incredulity at the front page of last week’s issue of The Weekly, but I certainly hope it will help in the discussions that will inevitably follow. I would first like to comment on the article itself. It was a very well-written article, it presented the phenomenon of Case Day from a … Continue reading Re: BEER. it’s what’s for breakfast … and lunch … and dinner