Bridesmaids storms into Wallenberg

From Producer Judd Apatow, who gave us Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Bridesmaids brings us all the humor of The Hangover, but from the female perspective (and the substitution of stolen puppies instead of stolen babies). Saturday Night Live’s Kristen Wiig leads the cast as Annie, a maid of honor whose life unravels as she leads her life long best friend and bride-to-be, Lillian … Continue reading Bridesmaids storms into Wallenberg

Meet the Weekly

Editor-in-Chief  Victoria Clark (507) 381-8258 Managing Editor  Kate Plager (763) 843-5529 Web Editor  Max Beyer (507) 351-0739 Advertisement Manager  Scott Sahli (952) 250-4866 Advertisement Representative  Emmett Russell (218) 341-8669 News Editor  Ben Miller (763) 221-3919 Variety Editor Beth Schmidt (612) 619-0156 Features Editor  Chelsea Johnson (952) 381-4700 Commentary Editor  Ethan Marxhausen (651) 269-5448 Calendar Editor  James … Continue reading Meet the Weekly

Psyched out

Ah, fall. Sunburns give way to spray-tans that would make a bag of Cheetos jealous, the aging leaves have trouble hiding their yellows and try to cover them up with flaming reds, and indecisive Minnesota weather brings with it the intriguing sweatshirt/shorts/Uggs “fashion” statement. Somewhere, an alarm clock forcefully reminds a hangover that class started ten minutes ago, and another crop of students start freaking … Continue reading Psyched out

The letter that’s not in your PO

Everyday life, especially in this little school atop the hill, is studded with calendars filled with opportunities to snatch so as “not to miss anything.” How easily the mind slips into high gear, filling up space in the planner so as to experience it all! This time of year is marked by the harvesting of activities and involvements. In the sighs of the wind and … Continue reading The letter that’s not in your PO

Impressions of a DC intern

These are truly the times that try men’s souls. If you’ve been watching cable news recently, you know all about it. “America’s economy is sinking into the dreaded double-dip recession, taking the rest of the world with it!” “The American People cry out for leadership, while little or nothing of substance is accomplished in Washington!” “Our leaders seem too busy keeping their jobs to actually … Continue reading Impressions of a DC intern

Letter to the Editor

For better or worse, Gustavus has two traditional greeting ceremonies. First-years are greeted, both officially and unofficially, by two simultaneous traditions that go back decades. One group, the Gustie Greeters, is nothing short of general college-authorized insanity. The Greeters have been orienting new Gusties for decades and they do a damn fine job of it. The other group, however—the College Ave party-goers and sign-bearers mentioned … Continue reading Letter to the Editor

Women’s Golf tees up a strong start

The Gustavus Women’s Golf team looks toward another successful season after taking a first place finish at the Giorgianni Memorial Invite in Eau Claire, Wis., on Sept. 4 and 5. Gustavus wrapped up the two-day opening tournament with a total of 653(+73), beating out second-place finishers, conference rivals St. Olaf, by two strokes. UW-Eau Claire came in third, shooting 658(+78). Junior Kayleigh Dittes led the … Continue reading Women’s Golf tees up a strong start