Campus Safety Report (09/23/11)

Monday, September 12 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist in Mattson Hall. Tuesday, September 13 • A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at the Health Service Office. Wednesday, September 14 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at the Health Service Office. • A Gustavus student reported the theft of his iPod from the Jackson Campus Center. The iPod … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (09/23/11)

Beck Academic Hall Opens

Beck Academic Hall, the first new academic building built at Gustavus in 25 years, is open for student and faculty use. The building features a number of structural advancements, as well as academic features that will allow for more use by the departments that are housed in it: Economics and Management, Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology, History and Communication Stuides. “Beck Academic Hall will provide faculty and students … Continue reading Beck Academic Hall Opens

Dive pub plans begin

For years, there have been rumors and speculation about the possibility of creating a bar in the Dive.  This year, Student Senate Co-Presidents Jen Fox and Nick Prince are interested in finally carrying this idea out. “Last year, different projects, logistical hurdles and intra-Senate distractions got in the way of the project,” Fox said.  “For the most part, the Dive renovation has gone untouched for … Continue reading Dive pub plans begin

Nobel Conference 47—on the mind

This year, Gustavus is celebrating both its sesquicentennial and the 47th annual Nobel Conference—The Brain and Being Human. This year’s Nobel poster is also a subject of  interest to many members of the Gustavus community. The poster’s creator is a young Brazilian artist named Leandro Lima, who lives in Milan, Italy. “We knew he liked abstract drawings, so we looked at some of his work, … Continue reading Nobel Conference 47—on the mind

Michael Chorost on connecting mind, technology

Michael Chorost, technology theorist and author, went completely deaf in 2001 and had a computer chip implanted into his head, enabling him to hear again. This experience brought about his first book, Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human. In the book, he goes into detail about how having software generated electrical pulses connected to his cochlea has sparked his interest in what … Continue reading Michael Chorost on connecting mind, technology

This Month in History—Lighting the Way

In honor of the 150th academic year for Gustavus Adolphus College, there will be a series of articles this year in the St. Peter Herald sharing stories of the shared history, values and partnership between the college and the town. Athletics have been a proud tradition in St. Peter for over 100 years, but it was in 1929 that sports in St. Peter finally “saw … Continue reading This Month in History—Lighting the Way

Elizabeth Coco: Commitment to questioning and a passion for social justice

Those who know Elizabeth Coco know that she just goes by “Coco.” Measuring just above five feet tall, what she lacks in height this woman makes up in passion and hard work, leaving many of her peers describing her as “larger than life.” Now in her senior year, Coco can tout a large list of involvement on campus. Former Co-President of the Women’s Awareness Center, … Continue reading Elizabeth Coco: Commitment to questioning and a passion for social justice

The Chaplain Team gets a couple new members

Gustavus welcomes two new chaplains with ties to campus. Alumnus Grady St. Dennis and Rod Anderson have  joined the Gustavus Chaplain team which also includes Chaplain Rachel Larson. Larson has been at Gustavus since 2001, and has managed to stay very busy, splitting her time between the Dean of Students Office, the Center for Servant Leadership, the Counseling Center, the Student Activities Office, Residential Life, … Continue reading The Chaplain Team gets a couple new members

Dancing through Culture

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is bringing an opportunity for students to strengthen our community, one of Gustavus’ core values. At 8:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23 in Alumni Hall, CAB is hosting international dance lessons so students can learn about the cultures of fellow peers. This event has been in the works since spring semester of last year and Junior Environmental Studies major Alex Christensen … Continue reading Dancing through Culture

Hillstrom Museum features new exhibits

The Hillstrom Museum, which is located in the lower level of the Jackson Campus Center, is currently featuring three new exhibitions from Sept. 12 to Nov. 6, 2011. The three exhibits are A Collector’s Passion for Dürer’s Secrets: the MAGJEKL Collection, “Comfort Me, Said He,” by Gustavus graduate Kristen Lowe, and FOCUS IN/ON: Guy Pène du Bois’ Connoisseurs. The first of the three exhibits, A … Continue reading Hillstrom Museum features new exhibits