Iron man suits up for third adventure

After The Avengers blew away critics and the box office, the second phase of the Marvel cinematic universe started with the third Iron Man movie. While I very much enjoyed the first Iron Man and The Avengers, Iron Man 2 left me a little disappointed. Not to mention, third installments rarely bode well for most superhero movies (besides The Dark Knight Rises, name one third … Continue reading Iron man suits up for third adventure

KGSM: The phoenix rises once again

This Sunday, KGSM Radio will be up and running for the start of its second full year of streaming since its rebirth during the spring of 2012. The student-run organization has recently adopted the symbol of a phoenix as its logo—a fitting icon. Although the station has experienced tremendous low points within the past 40 years, KGSM continues to beat the odds and return stronger … Continue reading KGSM: The phoenix rises once again

Calender (9/20/1013)

* The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but rather the introduction to the textbook you didn’t buy. Read up, there is a quiz on Monday. Friday, Sept. 20 Gustavian Weekly Opinion Columnist Applications Due  Opinion Editor Kristina Ericksen is holding me at gunpoint to write this one. Society of Gustavus Geologists Fall Grill-Out: Johns Family Courtyard … Continue reading Calender (9/20/1013)

How to Eat Healthy on a college budget

For many students, living in an apartment or off-campus for the first time is a wake-up call. It’s the first time they have to be self-sufficient in terms of feeding themselves. The Caf may be convenient (no grocery shopping, no cooking, no washing dishes), but it’s also expensive. It may be overwhelming at first, but living without a meal plan opens up many new possibilities … Continue reading How to Eat Healthy on a college budget

Campus Safety Report (9/20/2013)

Monday, September 9  A student reported a cell phone believed to be stolen from Beck Academic Hall. Wednesday, September 11 A student reported a theft of a laptop left unattended in a common area in Norelius Hall. The laptop was later recovered. Collegiate Fellows responded to an alcohol violation and failure to comply with a College official in Pittman Hall involving seven students. Collegiate Fellows … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (9/20/2013)

Alumna wed, first same-sex marriage in state

In a quiet moment on a dark summer night, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton ushered guests into Minneapolis City Hall. Hours later, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and Reverend Dr. James Gertmenian made history as they officiated the first same-sex marriage in state history, while the crowd of over a thousand erupted into celebration and cries of joy. On a sweeping, white marble staircase of the Minneapolis, … Continue reading Alumna wed, first same-sex marriage in state

Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.

The experience of being completely enveloped in a roaring crowd is one that will never lose excitement for me. Last Friday, I found myself settled deep in a mass of red, white, and blue that covered the Estadio Nacional in Santiago, belting out Chilean gritos or chants at the top of my lungs, and sometimes letting the roar of others enshroud me and resonate deep … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.

Ohle to retire, Presidential search ensues

President Jack Ohle, the 16th president of Gustavus, announced his retirement after six years as president in an email to the Gustavus community on June 27, 2013 following a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Having entered into his position on July 1, 2008, he will retire at the end of his contract on June 30, 2014. President Ohle’s contributions to the College include landscaping … Continue reading Ohle to retire, Presidential search ensues

Tips for finding the motivation to work out

As swimsuit season draws to a close, the weather starts to get cooler, and classes start ramping up, finding the motivation to work out can be difficult. But with a newly-updated Lund Center, beautiful fall weather, and these tips and tricks to get you going, finding the motivation to lace up those running shoes and hit the gym should be a breeze. Set Realistic Goals … Continue reading Tips for finding the motivation to work out