New Director of Campus Safety arrives from MSU security

During a summer of campus renovations and shifts in faculty, Gustavus also welcomes a new Director of Campus Safety, Carol Brewer. Brewer, a native of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, had previously worked at Minnesota State University, Mankato for the past 20 years holding various positions in campus security. Most recently, she held the position of Assistant Director of Security for 13 years. She holds a … Continue reading New Director of Campus Safety arrives from MSU security

49th Nobel Conference preview speaker to address campus

The preview to the 49th Nobel Conference will feature a lecture by Professor S. James Gates at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20 in Alumni Hall. Not only will Gates give his talk, “Symmetry and the Quincunx Nexus,” at Gustavus Adolphus College, but he will highlight the Nobel Conference in talks given at the Science Museum of Minnesota, Minnesota Public Radio, and St. Peter High … Continue reading 49th Nobel Conference preview speaker to address campus

Minnesota Twins’ season draws to a close

The final days of the Minnesota Twins 2013 season has arrived and for some fans, it may be a sigh of relief. The Twins will finish their third straight losing record this season. While not a complete surprise, it’s still hard for Twins fans—especially after the Twins finished the 2010 season with one of the top records in Major League Baseball. However, there were some … Continue reading Minnesota Twins’ season draws to a close

Rise of the religiously unaffiliated

As a self-declared religiously unaffiliated libertarian, I am frustrated by the lack of options available to me in the political arena. I don’t fit neatly in the lines of either the Democratic or Republican party, so I usually research candidates individually without consideration for their party affiliation. Over the past few years, however, I have felt increasingly isolated from the Republican party as their positions … Continue reading Rise of the religiously unaffiliated

Lead bullets are poisoning bald eagles

On Monday, Sept. 16, Mike Billington ‘02 from The University of Minnesota’s Raptor Center presented a pair of eagles to students, staff, and members of the public in Olin’s Auditorium on the Gustavus Adolphus Campus. This educational program was directed to the students of Dr. Richard Leitch’s Environmental Politics class and was sponsored by the Environmental Studies Department as well as the Margaret A. Cargill … Continue reading Lead bullets are poisoning bald eagles

Letters to the Editor (9/20/2013)

I am writing this letter in response to a statement that was made last week in an opinion article. It is disturbing that such a distasteful comment could be made about a work of one of America’s greatest children authors – Dr. Seuss. To say that the writing in The Cat in the Hat ‘isn’t very good’ is an insult not only to Dr. Seuss … Continue reading Letters to the Editor (9/20/2013)

Gustie of the Week: Maxwell Stelzner

A Kilimanjaro, Junior Max Stelzner’s adventurous nature is evident after a single conversation with him. While he’s explored places as far away as Tanzania, Max also finds substantial benefit in something as simple as the exploration of knowledge. The inspiration for his passion for learning came from his first-term seminar professor, Kent Kalm, during Max’s first year at Gustavus. “His enthusiasm for teaching and the fact … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Maxwell Stelzner