Board discusses with Senate

In order to effectively address the needs of students on campus, Student Senate meets with the Board of Trustees in order to discuss student concerns and other matters on campus. On Sept. 27, Student Senate Co-Presidents Matt Timmons and Dani Cabrera, presented a number of issues to the Board including divestment, financial transparency, the Gustavus Tobacco-free initiative, sanitation in dorms, and the accessibility of wi-fi … Continue reading Board discusses with Senate

Habitat travels to Alexandria for Fall Break Service Trip

This year marks the second annual Fall Break trip for the Gustavus chapter of Habitat for Humanity. A group of 15 students will travel to Alexandria, Minn. on Oct. 18 to experience four days of volunteering at different sites in the community. Both the Fall and Spring Break trips are unique because the participants, as well as the coordinators, for the most past, unaware of … Continue reading Habitat travels to Alexandria for Fall Break Service Trip

Senate evaluates Minnesota Security Hospital changes

The Minnesota Security Hospital has a long and checkered history in St. Peter. Established in 1866, it was the first state hospital for the mentally ill. Recently, however, safety concerns have arisen due to a growing number of incidents associated with the facility. The hospital campus is comprised of buildings ranging from high to low security, including a nursing home. These incidents prompted a scathing … Continue reading Senate evaluates Minnesota Security Hospital changes

Gustavus football recruits internationally

In 2011, the Gustavus football team traveled to Mexico for their first international experience in Cancun. While there, the team took part in a clinic and youth camp where they tackled the challenge of teaching the kids football skills. Over the duration of the trip, the young athletes learned a lot from the Gusties, who were regarded as role models after the clinic. On the … Continue reading Gustavus football recruits internationally

Take a deep breath and relax

As much fun as it is being a college student, sometimes we have to face the truth: we are bound to deal with stress. This is especially true for us Gusties. “We always have a culture of go-go-go. The majority of us students are high-achievers and high-doers who are involved in a lot of things throughout campus,” Senior Physical and Health Education Major Derek Lieser … Continue reading Take a deep breath and relax

SAAC challenges Gustie athletes to get involved

The Gustavus Adolphus Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC), which is made up of two representatives from each athletic team on campus, constantly works to improve the complete experience of being a student-athlete while striving to produce a positive image of student-athletes at Gustavus. SAAC participates in a variety of events and activities, which concentrate on three different areas: team building, community service, and student-athlete welfare. … Continue reading SAAC challenges Gustie athletes to get involved

Gustie of the Week: Zack Gardner

Ascending to altitude, Senior Zack Gardner wrestled with an emotional paradox. Despite the sudden chill down his spine and the resounding, “why am I doing this” in his mind, his demeanor on the outside seemed to be calm.  As the instructor opened the right hand door, the earth loomed. The ominous countdown was all Zack could hear over the roaring of the plane’s engine. On … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Zack Gardner

Tales from Abroad (10/11/2013)

The first thing people associate with Nepal is the Himalayas.  If there is one thing you should understand about Nepal, it’s that it isn’t just Himalayan mountains.  Yes, it has some of the world’s tallest mountains but there are also jungles with tigers and rhinos, a sprawling urban capital, a developing government, and the rich culture of a country that’s never been conquered. In the … Continue reading Tales from Abroad (10/11/2013)

Monsters University: Pixar’s step in the right direction

No matter is the age, Disney has impacted someone’s childhood in one way or another. While some of us were too young to experience the 90’s Disney “Renaissance” (consisting of films like The Lion King and Aladdin in theatres), we were fortunate enough to grow up with the CG  animated team that Disney purchased: Pixar.  Pixar created a variety of franchises, and were known for … Continue reading Monsters University: Pixar’s step in the right direction

Electric Lady shocks critics and audiences alike

Cindy Mayweather, The ArchAndroid, The Electric Lady, and Android No. 57821 all refer to one of the many characters within the universe Janelle Monáe creates in her music. Mostly known by the public for her ten second guest appearance in Fun’s “We Are Young,” Monáe carries an array of sounds and visions that haven’t been discovered by the general public. Last month, Monáe released her … Continue reading Electric Lady shocks critics and audiences alike