Break Me Off a Piece of that Chapel Break

Colleen Coleman-

This year, Chapel Break is a 20-minute break in between classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m., in which students can use this time to benefit their well-being and recharge. Students may choose to attend a religious offering offered by the Chaplains Office or use the time to benefit themselves. With the academic curriculum changes in effect this semester, Chapel Break has changed from being daily to being twice a week and slightly later in the morning.

With Faith being one of the five core values of Gustavus, the College is rooted in Lutheran values and is open to people of all faith backgrounds. “The purpose of Chapel Break is to have a common time for people to take a break from work and classes and to come together as a community. It is good for us to pause from our busy schedules and take time to reflect and to connect with one another,” Chaplain Betsy Hoium said. Chapel Break is held as a way to honor students’ time and well-being, whether or not they choose to attend a religious opportunity during the 20-minute break. The Chaplain’s office understands that this new Chapel Break time falls around lunchtime for many students, and will be providing some sort of food on Tuesdays and Thursdays for those who choose to attend so students don’t have to decide between eating and attending a service.

Tuesday Chapel Breaks will be Morning Praise. The service will include a musical selection from a Gustavus music ensemble, a sung liturgy, and a short message from faculty, staff, or administration speaking about one of the five core values of Gustavus, or what motivates them to their work. Morning Praise is a great opportunity to understand the interdisciplinary aspects of music, and religion, and to get a glimpse of what the Gustavus community is about.

Thursday Chapel Breaks will have a variety of events, with upcoming weeks featuring a contemporary worship song sing-a-long, Jonathan Rundman featured as a guest artist, a musical showcase of the campus acapella groups, and Founder’s Day. This selection of events and many more will represent the history of the college, student life, religious backgrounds of all students, and many other aspects of Gustavus.

Additional opportunities are hosted by the Chaplains’ Office for students to take advantage of. On Tuesdays during Chapel Break, a prayer of the Rosary will be sponsored by the Catholic Gusties in the Multifaith Center in Anderson Hall, Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Lund, and online Secular Meditation. Chapel and Chill on the Go will be offered on Mondays from 10:15 a.m. to 10:35 a.m., where the Chaplains office will be passing through academic buildings with a coffee cart, offering cold brew while supplies last. On Thursdays during Chapel Break, Secular Meditation will be hosted in the Multifaith Center. Sunday Worship Community meets from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sundays in Christ Chapel.

Regardless of a student’s religious beliefs, the Chaplains’ Office and Chapel Break are open for all students to benefit from. The Chaplains’ Office offers support for connecting, developing, and supporting students in their overall faith and well-being, regardless of their personal beliefs. Students can also use Chapel Break to rest and recharge – to attend a service, grab lunch with friends, work on homework, and focus on their well-being.