Coming Out Week begins Oct. 15

Next week, on Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day will be observed by students all across the United States. Here at Gustavus Adolphus College, Queers and Allies (Q&A) is planning its own event in conjunction with Coming Out Day. The week of Oct. 10 through Oct. 15, Q&A will be sponsoring Coming Out Week.

“Coming Out Week is a celebration of self-awareness, of being true to your own identity and of standing strong against persecution of others just for being who they are,” Tasha Ostendorf, a sophomore and two-year member of Q&A said.

“We want to promote awareness of the group,” Co-President of Q&A Kirsten Engel, a senior psychology major, said. “We’re always looking to have new people come.”

Coming Out Week will begin with its traditional sidewalk chalking and rock painting event at 8:00 p.m. on Oct. 10 at the rock. “Chalking is great,” Engel said. “You get to see positive notes every day for a whole week.”

Monday, Oct. 11 marks National Coming Out Day, and Gustavus will join the nation in its support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) equality. On Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. in the Courtyard Cafe, “Queer We Are” takes place. This is an open-mic event in which a queer or ally may share his or her experiences. “It’s one of the best experiences of Coming Out Week,” Engel said. “People are just drawn in.

Wednesday, Oct. 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Adolphson House is the BBQ&A and Ally Night. “It’s held to [show] what Q&A is about and to have a fun night out,” Nicole Meyer, senior communication studies major and co-president of Q&A said.

Thursday, Oct. 14 at the Courtyard café, Q&A will host Mattson Zust in concert. On Friday, Oct. 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the Evelyn Young Dining Room will be the ever-popular drag show. “I like seeing all the people I have not seen before coming to events,” Meyer said. “There are definitely a lot of people at the drag show.”

Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Adviser to Q&A Samuel Boerboom characterizes the drag show as “a true celebration of self-hood.” Boerboom adds that he is “really proud [of] how much support there is for Coming Out Week.”

Queers and Allies meets every Wednesday at 9:15 p.m. in the Womyn’s Awareness Center. New members are always welcome to attend. Meyer emphasizes the support Q&A can give to any and every student. “We want to get our name out there, and … we don’t want to disappear after Coming Out Week.”

3 thoughts on “Coming Out Week begins Oct. 15

  1. We live in an era, where gays are being bullied into suicide.

    We live in an era, where hate crimes against gays are common.

    It’s time for the madness to end.

  2. I am pleased that Gustavus is promoting Coming Out Week. I graduated from Gustavus 50 years ago. My twin brothers were gay and one of them, John Tidemann, graduated from Gustavus in 1964. He died in 1987. I served a congregation for 25 years in Saint Paul, St. Paul-Reformation, that had a significan ministry to GLBT people. My lesbian colleague, Pastor Anita Hill, was received into the pastoral roster of the ELCA on September 18. Yay! I am now retired. Go Gusties. Pastor Paul Tidemann, Saint Paul, MN, Class Agent, GA Class 1960.

  3. Why does the ELCA think they can go above God’s word and say that homosexuality is ok? God says it is wrong. I’m not saying that bullying homosexuals is ok because that is also wrong in God’s eyes, but I just don’t understand why the ELCA thinks they are smarter than God. Very sad. 🙁

    Sadly there is bullying and hate crimes going on in America against others, not just gays. The reason our world is turning so mean and hateful is because we have taken God out of everything. Apparently now even some of our churches (ELCA).

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