State legislator

Did you know one of your professors at Gustavus is a state legislator who supports taxes and fees aimed directly at Gustavus students and votes to make it harder for Gusties to get jobs after graduation?

We all know it is very difficult for graduates of a college with a regional reputation to get hired by an employer from an area that can’t even pronounce or recognize the name of your school. That is why it is especially scary our own professor supports general tax policies that send our future jobs out-off-state, to South Dakota and overseas.

Furthermore, if he had gotten his way this last biennium, you’d be paying more for beer and alcohol, and you would even have had to pay taxes for downloading songs onto your IPod!

Terry Morrow’s record speaks for itself; he is a Gustavus professor who supports policies especially burdensome to the Gusties that elected him. Not only will you spend more money on your weekly budget and more years after graduation searching for jobs because of Terry Morrow; thanks to those with whom Terry affiliates, you’ll spend much longer trying to pay off your student loans too.

Right now you’re still able to deduct up to $2500 of your student loan interest from your gross income. Thanks to Terry Morrow’s Party, the Democrats, you will not be able to deduct ANY student loan interest your gross income in five years time!

Since Gustavus graduates probably have more student loan debt than students at a state university, this is a tax change that is aimed directly at Gustavus students. The cost of your education just went up by as much as $2500 for every year that you carry student loan debt.

The students who helped elect Terry Morrow probably didn’t know he would vote for policies that deliberately burden those he teaches. Let’s thank Terry for betraying his constituency by voting him out of office on November 2, 2010.

Phil Cleary ‘11