With experience and talent, the Gustavus Softball team is looking to follow up a National Tournament appearance last year with another strong season

The Gustavus Softball team is back for more, striving to claim their title as National Champions this year. The team has approached the season differently than in previous years. The women have more confidence coming into this season, and they’re ready to take on any team.
Junior infielder Emily Wendorff feels very passionately about the season. “We have set our expectations very high this year, although this is nothing new for the program. We know that when we are playing our best we can take on any opponent. We are shooting to win the MIAC and Regionals again this year and hope to upgrade our third-place spot in Nationals to Champions. We hope to continue our winning tradition for another year,” Wendorff said.
To accomplish their goals this season, the Gusties had to make some changes from last year to this year. Senior infielder Andrea Brown feels the women’s confidence has changed, which will help them in the long run. “As far as changes from last year, I think this year our team has more confidence to compete and be the best. We have learned a lot about ourselves and what the team is capable of achieving with last year’s third-place finish at Nationals. I know everyone is working hard and is determined to make it back to the National Tournament this spring,” Brown said.
Wendorff agreed with Brown, but also felt the changes made from last year have been directed toward the team as a whole. “This year, instead of aiming for other teams’ targets to dethrone them, we’ve got the targets on our backs. Everyone knows who Gustavus is as a program now and will be pursuing us relentlessly like we have for other teams in the past. In a sense, we have to maintain that title and really have something to protect now,” Wendorff said.
With all the attention on the Gusties this year, they have had to rethink the way they are going to prepare for the season. Junior outfielder Jenny Ewert elaborated on how the women have prepared for the season so far. “We practice hard every day and are always working on specific skills. We work with hitting off our pitchers because they are some of the best in the MIAC and it’s good to get practice off of them because it’s what to expect from other teams,” Ewert said.
With the season already underway, the women have started off strong with a 3-1 record. However, no season comes without a challenge, and this year the team was unanimous about St. Thomas being their biggest challenge “As usual we’re gunning for St. Thomas because they’re always forerunners with us in the race for the MIAC title, but we also have to take it one game at a time so we have the opportunity to win the title. We attempt to never look over an opponent as unworthy because we’ve seen some crazy upsets of other teams along the way,” Wendorff said.
However, St. Thomas is not the team’s only concern right now. The women are preparing to leave for Florida March 12-16. This tournament is invitation-only and is composed of some of the best teams in the country. It is a real honor that the Gusties get to compete there this year. “It will be a different setting because it will be the first time we will be playing on dirt and in cleats, but we adjust pretty well and just need to remember to stick to the basics. We all just need to stay focused and know the teams will all be ready so we just need to play our game and focus together,” Ewert said.
Although the women were very successful last year and continue to be so far this year, there is always room for improvement. “One of the most important strengths we have is chemistry. Our team gels like you would not believe. Everyone loves to have a good time, and does, but at the same time we can all buckle down and get to work when we’re at practice or in a game. An area I hope we can improve in is that when we play easier teams, we keep our intensity and play at the superior level I know we’re capable of. We should never play down to other teams,” Wendorff said.
Brown agreed with Wendorff “We have amazing team chemistry and bond with one another on and off the field. I believe this is an aspect of our team that will only help us achieve our goals. We also have one of the best pitching staffs in our conference; I am looking forward to see what Betsie Collins, Erin Truenbach and Callie Nelsen can do this year. We are also a very strong defensive team as well,” Brown said.
The Gusties have a title to defend this year and look forward to doing so. “We really thrive under pressure, and we can’t wait to prove to the MIAC and the nation that Gustavus will wear those targets on our backs with pride and they’re not coming down anytime soon,” Wendorff said.
After the Gusties return from Florida, they will play Bethel on March 31. Their first home game will be April 8, 2010 vs. St. Kate’s.