Strength training proven beneficial

When you walk into a gym, you might see a pool, an abdominal station, a cardio station, and a weight room. The cardio and abdominal stations are typically the busiest areas of the gym. When you look at the weight room, it’s usually quiet with just competitive athletes, body builders, and a few others using the lifting machines. The question, then, is why aren’t more people using the weight room? Here are some benefits of incorporating weight lifting in your workouts.

According to the Mayo Clinic, adding strength training to your workout will help strengthen your bones. Stressing your bones through weight training causes increased bone density. Strength training can also help you avoid osteoporosis. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is a disease that attacks the bones, making them weak and easier to break. A patient with osteoporosis may break his/her hip with a single fall. This is a serious disease and spending time strengthening bones in the weight room can help with prevention.

Many people think that the weight room is just for athletes in a sport, but that is not the case. Strength training is for anyone and lifting can help make your muscles more efficient. According to Doctor Oz, strength training can help muscles properly perform various actions, such as walking and lifting objects, which are performed on a daily basis.

Increasing your muscular strength is one way to prevent serious injuries. If done properly, strength training helps injuries heal faster. This is one benefit that motivates athletes to work out in the weight room, because the last thing they want is an injury. This also applies to non-athletes. Injuries cause serious problems and it’s essential to take every measure to prevent them.

Maintaining your body weight can be a difficult task, but strength training is one way to manage this. According to the Mayo Clinic, your body begins to burn calories more efficiently as you gain muscle. The more toned your muscles are, the easier it is to control your weight. Some people are worried about lifting weights because they are afraid of “bulking up.” But you don’t have to lift weights to gain muscle mass. The best way to lift weights while maintaining a your desired figure is to create a plan that’s based more on repetition than on strength. Instead of doing five sets of five repetitions on back squats with more weight added to the bar, try doing three sets of ten repetitions with less weight.

Finally, strength training is fun and can help relieve stress. According to, strength training causes your body to release endorphins, which can “give you a [natural] ‘high’ feeling.” This has a positive effect on your emotions. In a college environment, where students are constantly surrounded by stress, whether it’s from school, work, or life drama, this stress can get the better of you if not handled properly. Using the weight room is one positive activity that will help control your stress instead of letting your stress control you.

In general, experts agree that strength training is something that needs to be included in a good workout because of its numerous benefits. It’s not always enough to simply work on improving cardiovascular strength. Some people think that weight lifting is only for serious body builders or athletes, but the weightroom can benefit everyone. Take the time to learn about how to properly train and you will see numerous positive effects on your body.

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